Created by: v-jizhang
Ported TravisCI jobs to CircleCI except for the one that requires Oracle JDK because Oracle JDK can't be installed on CircleCI VMs:
- CI_ACTION=build, OpenJDK 8 --> CircleCI job "ci_build_openjdk8"
- CI_ACTION=unit GROOVY_HOME=/usr/share/groovy/ --> CircleCI job "ci_unit_groovy"
- CI_ACTION=ant --> CircleCI job "ci_ant"
- CI_ACTION=integration GROOVY_HOME=/usr/share/groovy/ --> "ci_integration"
- CI_ACTION=heavy_integration --> CircleCI job "ci_heavy_integration"
- CI_ACTION=android_ndk_15 --> CircleCI job "ci_android_ndk_15"
- CI_ACTION=android_ndk_16 --> CircleCI job "ci_android_ndk_16"
- CI_ACTION=android_ndk_17 --> CircleCI job "ci_android_ndk_17"
- CI_ACTION=android_ndk_18 --> CircleCI job "ci_android_ndk_18"
Fixed all the failed tests, CircleCI jobs are all green.