Hoklo Taiwanese

Hoklo Taiwanese (Chinese: 閩南裔臺灣人) or Holo people (Chinese: 河洛人)[3] are a major ethnic group in Taiwan whose ancestry is wholly or partially Hoklo. Being Taiwanese of Han origin, they are generally bilingual in Taiwanese Mandarin and Taiwanese Hokkien. Most descend from the Hoklo people of Quanzhou or Zhangzhou in Southern Fujian, China. The term, as commonly understood, signifies those whose ancestors immigrated to Taiwan before 1949. However, most Hoklo Taiwanese did not distance themselves from Taiwanese identity and prefer to call themselves Taiwanese only, since most of them didn't associate themselves with terms like Hokkien, Southern Min (Minnan) or Hoklo. Some Taiwanese optionally identified as Southern Min (Minnan) as well.

Hoklo Taiwanese
Total population
Approximately 70~76.9% of the Taiwan population[1][2]
Regions with significant populations
Taiwan, Penghu
Taiwanese Hokkien
Taiwanese Mandarin
Majority: Buddhism;Chinese folk religion ; Confucianism ; Taoism ; Animism
Minorities: Chinese Salvationist ; Christianity ; Islam ; Baháʼísm ; Chinese Parsi
Related ethnic groups
Hoklo people, Han Taiwanese, Plains Aborigines, Minyue

See also


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