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birdlawprofessor t1_iqlxves wrote

I like the face in the pomegranate, but the breast anatomy is a bit off which is distracting


BallPointedPeen OP t1_iqm3ray wrote

Thank you for your feedback. Luckily it’s still in the beginning stages so I can fix what is distracting :) it’s my first time tackling a full figure with color pencils— so I appreciate any and all feedback


Comi1212 t1_iqmilxg wrote

Nice work dude but the inner greek/roman mythology nerd tells me that it wasn't clear if persephone was ate the seed by force or not but most sources say that she loved hades and wanted to stay with him so she ate the seed (not saying that the drawing is bad, love that style btw)!


BallPointedPeen OP t1_iqmk8is wrote

I’ve read that from a couple of sources, so I tried to not make it seem forced. I wanted it to kind of convey a softer more gradual transformation to the iron queen she became!


tin_foil_ascot t1_iqlxuim wrote

Very nice work. Who was your model? She’s stunning.


BallPointedPeen OP t1_iqm3nu6 wrote

Thank you! I’m trying to find who I used to give her credit, but I’ve seem to misplaced my reference for it.


kunacza t1_iqma44k wrote

It's interesting how you drew her using a more modern canon of beauty, when I think of beautiful female characters from ancient mythology, I always imagine them being in the canon of the time, broader hips, more fat generally, belly and thighs, full face and dark hair. I don't mean that to criticize you, I think the canon you picked places your work and the topic in our modern context, it's nice.


BallPointedPeen OP t1_iqmb3kj wrote

Thank you for this. To be perfectly honest, I did not think of this while picking a reference. I’m trying to do one myth a week during October, so I think I’ll try exploring more forms of beauty as I go along. I appreciate what you said :)