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HEBushido t1_it2xbrp wrote

No they could just have painted the mag correctly. No one is questioning what round the gun is chambered in. Art doesn't need to be that precise.


clocks_ t1_it33l60 wrote

I think he was more taking a jab at the absolutely batshit homemade firarms that come out of Khyber Pass (like a bolt action ak chambered in .308) than critiquing op


dorkswerebiggerthen t1_it3ivi1 wrote

>Art doesn't need to be that precise.

Isn't this discussion about the magazine being 9 degrees off kilter?


HEBushido t1_it3k0sv wrote

Because that is very jarring. You can't notice that the bore might be too large. But you can notice when a magazine looks wildly off from the real gun. Especially when it's such a well known gun.


crypto1092 t1_it4iv5m wrote

Why did you get downvoted for this? Lol. You gave your opinion


HEBushido t1_it4jgux wrote

I don't have a problem with it. My opinion was ultimately wrong.


crypto1092 t1_it4kakm wrote

Yeah you’re not wrong on the first observation, and then you have the original photo which is a homemade magazine which you probably haven’t seen before. Probably would’ve helped if the reference was included somewhere beforehand