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Beatrix_Kiddo_ t1_itoxu4c wrote

Really wish there was a way to block the straight up porn "art" on this sub without having to block everything that's NSFW. Getting sick of these types of posts.


Ketchuplube t1_itp1dn5 wrote

Controversial opinion for this sub apparently, but I 100% agree. There's a difference between drawing the human figure and drawing straight up porn. Alot of the art here crosses that line.


dangerroo_2 t1_itp878v wrote

Indeed. The female form is beautifully curved and formed, but if nothing else drawing a girl with her fanny in the air tends to disrupt those lines somewhat, as well as just being downright tawdry.


FarradayL t1_itp7bol wrote

This isn't porn.


NoAvailableImage t1_itpg2fl wrote


FarradayL t1_itplpjc wrote

I'm not going to register just to view this one image. But I'm not taking your word for it.


Ketchuplube t1_itq6vtb wrote

If you have a set of eyeballs you can tell that the image is the same, the only comment is horrendous too


FarradayL t1_itqannq wrote

Not porn and you're nothing more than a puritan.


Ketchuplube t1_itqaug6 wrote

How does not liking straight up porn on a subreddit meant for art make me a puritan?


XEMI0 t1_itrhh5w wrote

This is cropped from the original btw, i wouldn't say it's porn.


FarradayL t1_itqcaf5 wrote

It's not straight up porn. Classifying it as straight up porn makes you a puritan.


Ketchuplube t1_itrk9e8 wrote

I also just realized the guy who posted this has the username "hotdigitalart" which makes this even worse


FarradayL t1_itp7aya wrote

This isn't porn, you puritan lunatic.


Not_Insightful t1_itpc5qr wrote

It is literally cropped porn lmao


mushroom4two t1_itq0cnp wrote

Oh for crying out loud!

There are no "private bits" being shown here. You'll see more than that on a woman wearing a bikini at the beach, he'll you might even see more than that on Tiktok.

Art is art, telling people what it is supposed to be is the only thing inappropriate about it...


Not_Insightful t1_its2hkq wrote


Click the link man, it’s her full back-side exposed. I don’t care if it’s posted here, art is art and the people decide, but it is literally just cropped porn. I was replying to someone saying it isn’t porn.


mushroom4two t1_itsah8i wrote

It doesn't matter, the picture doesn't appear to break any rules and it is properly marked as NSFW.

Take it up with the mods if its that important to you.


Not_Insightful t1_ittp62u wrote

I think you’ve confused who you’re replying to. I don’t give a shit if it’s posted here. It’s dumb to pretend it isn’t porn though.


FarradayL t1_itpi693 wrote

I'm not going to register just to view this one image. But I'm not taking your word for it.


joseaof t1_itpxnkm wrote

"I can't prove you're wrong, but I refuse to admit it"


FarradayL t1_itq06ho wrote

Link to the image directly and I'll explain to you why you're a puritan lunatic.


Not_Insightful t1_its2nqv wrote

I literally did lmao


FarradayL t1_ittdfc2 wrote

It's blurred out and I have to register. Stop being dense. Oh, and go look at real porn. It might help.