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IlIlIl11IlIlIl t1_iudari9 wrote

You could probably do a little reworking of these and make some good money in the sex toy business


Bitemarkz t1_iufwps9 wrote

Just sell em for that purpose now. A little risk makes it more exciting. It’s all pleasure until you pass the fins, and then it’s emergency surgery.


l0westL0wbob t1_iudcmq6 wrote

Yeah looks like a vibrator


AMF_Shafty t1_iuewm0i wrote

try butt plug lol


MiniITXEconomy t1_iug7wvw wrote

A butt plug with hooks... I'mma just assume you heard the word and not actually seen one in person.


AMF_Shafty t1_iug9d7c wrote

hence the "reworking" in the first comment. youre not very good at reading the comments you reply to huh?


MiniITXEconomy t1_iuhqfq1 wrote

I was replying to yours, ding dong.


AMF_Shafty t1_iuhr218 wrote

fuck you bro its too early for bullshit and name calling. my comment was a reply to the other comment about "reworking to make it look like a sex toy". if you cant read and understand that, seems like i might not be the ding dong