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IlIlIl11IlIlIl t1_iudari9 wrote

You could probably do a little reworking of these and make some good money in the sex toy business


paintingmepeaceful t1_iuei7ew wrote

I really liked your bird series on branches that you had a bit ago :) and I revisited your site and saw you have hippos now. Really cool. The whales are classic too


canpig9 t1_iuelq42 wrote

Wooooden sharks do do da do da do...

Those are brilliant!


RustedRuss t1_iuephxd wrote

Acacia wood isn’t orange? I’ve been lied to.


WtfHat2022 t1_iuettk6 wrote

Ohh that looks so smooth! nice work :D


beatnovv t1_iuf19ph wrote

looks like a yeezy shoe ad


MadHeartStudio t1_iuf6lrj wrote

Very nice contours! The colors recall to me the beach and the different colors of the sun on the water


bunkerbash t1_iufb2mb wrote

These are so pretty and unique!


vergil718 t1_iufbvy3 wrote

Can I have the top left one please?


GenuineSteak t1_iufjfzi wrote

Bruh why are the too comments sexual when its just cool sharks


GiuseppeMercadante t1_iufnkyw wrote

These are amazing, I'm generally not a fan of epoxy work on wood but this is art, nice job!


mrweatherbeef t1_iufnmav wrote

I like the one on the left. Reminds me of a baby.


TheGreyFencer t1_iufq8lo wrote

You have no idea how much trans people are gonna like this


Cash907 t1_iufyln2 wrote

Looks like the Stinger prototype from season 1 of Seaquest DSV.


MiniITXEconomy t1_iug7tc8 wrote

Those are some sleek lines, man, truly amazing craftsmanship. Did you used to design cars for Porsche, by any chance?


willpb t1_iugp68n wrote

Huge fan of wood + epoxy art, and this is great! Super clean shape, love the colors, ticks all the boxes for me. Lovely stuff, great job!


OGDoctorE t1_iuhjznw wrote

Well done! They are beautiful and they remind me of a pool toy my friend had when we were kids. It was a neat little submarine that you could throw underwater.


Meteroson t1_iuhkfjy wrote

Dude, this looks like a 3d render! (In a good way)


tatarus23 t1_iuhnn43 wrote

The ikea toy blåhaj which is a shark is generally viewed as being connected to being trans. Also this piece incorporates pink blue and an almost white brown which resembles the transgender pride flag


AMF_Shafty t1_iuhr218 wrote

fuck you bro its too early for bullshit and name calling. my comment was a reply to the other comment about "reworking to make it look like a sex toy". if you cant read and understand that, seems like i might not be the ding dong