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Phthalleon t1_its45sg wrote

I love this style. It's loose yet realistic at the points of interest. It's kinda like walking around and not really being able to see all the details especially in the darker shaded areas. The textures are really cool and they add a lot to the settings and mood to the painting. The ultramarine and the earth tones are a classic watercolour combo and it works every time. Personally I would have added a touch of some pink like a cobalt violet or a diluted quinacridone rose to some of the golden areas particularly the sky, just to make it more dramatic.


maria_zinca OP t1_itttwub wrote

Yes, I agree with the quinacridone. I used it on the buildings in the back and on some areas on the tree. But it’s really subtle. I didn't wanted to be such saturated.. Although... It is:)