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OrganicHair9951 OP t1_iu8k1nm wrote

ahhh yes, well if you took the time to read my response you would’ve seen that i literally stated “women (and all other genders that suffered from sexual assault). verbatim. but thanks for the concern pal, i hope whatever is troubling you subsides and you find peace of mind in your journey through healing as well.


[deleted] t1_iu8kcc3 wrote



OrganicHair9951 OP t1_iu8kxtd wrote

no i said women first because i am a woman, and this piece is abt my experience (and acceptance) w my sexual assault. no one, especially those who can unfortunately relate to me on this topic, are viewed as an “afterthought” in my eyes. i don’t think like that. and not sure where you were going w that, insinuating i regurgitated your words despite my comment literally being before yours. i think imma hop off social media, not because my self security/mentality has been compromised, but rather my IQ after this v unnecessary conversation…


ThePyodeAmedha t1_iu9bb4e wrote

These people are trolls, don't bother wasting your words on them.


[deleted] t1_iu9wr54 wrote



OrganicHair9951 OP t1_iub2nhs wrote

i…. played the victim card……. by making a…… piece….. centralizing…….on my acceptance of…… my rape…… 🧍‍♀️………


beefyjohan t1_iuaim6v wrote

You’re reading but you aren’t understanding. She’s trying to make a point here. She’s got the time and patience and kindness to handle your three comments with a lot of care and respect, but you aren’t reciprocating. So please take a moment and actually pay attention here. Like for real. Stop thinking for a second a listen: this interaction right here, the way you’re handling it is the problem. Not because you are an inherently flawed person but because that’s just a product of how you were brought up and the countless influences on your life. This is the problem. You don’t have to be a part of it, but right now you are. Okay? You’re being a dick.


OrganicHair9951 OP t1_iub2z0k wrote

thank you v much for this. cannot even express how appreciative i am that you took the time to intervene on the madness. i thought maybe i was in need of realignment or something but this is really cool. i hope you have a great rest of your week friend


[deleted] t1_iuamlgk wrote



beefyjohan t1_iuax92t wrote

Sure. You know what, that’s fine. I just hope that when you ever do feel like caring you reflect on this.