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OrganicHair9951 OP t1_iu9f2wo wrote

why does a woman have to be celibate or a virgin in order for her body to not be sexualized ? and as a female, i’m most definitely going to be focused on how to change the way the female body is sexualized and objectified. i’m a woman. why would i want to live in a world where the normative is the over-sexualization of our naked anatomy? more so, why would i want to raise little girls in a world where they are perceived as nothing more than sex objects? and to answer your question, i think if we continue to have discussions like this, and continue pushing topics like “maybe it’s how we parent”, with time (loads of it) one day we will reach a point where the majority of the population that have children or are looking to be parents, will be well informed on topics such as “toxic masculinity”, dismantling the association of certain behaviors/interests/objects/etc.. w specific genders, victim blaming, normalizing sex talk/reinventing our sexual education system, etc.. and through that, those same morals and values will be instilled in our children, which is all it is. that part is so v crucial. and i believe in our future, that is most definitely possible.


LacsapascaL t1_iuao2af wrote

I agree, broadly, that our relationship with female sexuality needs to change. I do think however that what you’re pointing to is one form of excess in a excessively materialistic culture, which is an over emphasis on the body, particularly women’s bodies. It’s true that it’s hyper sexualised. But I think what you’re not getting is the fact that nothing needs to be done to the perception of the female body to make it ‘perceived sexually’ it just is naturally viewed that way. Where the excess is is in the fact that our culture has commodified it, and made it an object for cheap gratification. So if that’s what you’re pointing to then I totally agree with you. But is the solution not more modesty, or at the very least the reinstatement of chastity as a virtue in our society, at least pre marital chastity. Because I don’t see what else can be done to inculcate in men’s minds that sex and the female body isn’t something to be trivialised or cheapened with easy access, that it is rather something to be in awe of and something to make you reflect on whether you’re good enough to be worthy of her or her body. I think that’s where the focus needs to be. Because how else will you ‘change the way the female body is sexualised or objectified’? In a Culture where pornography is so easily acquired, and where there is an expectation that sex is a guarantee in the world of dating. These sorts of things are what damages the way men perceive women and women’s bodies.

In short, the enchantment doesn’t need to be taken away from female sexuality, what needs to change is our understanding of the seriousness of sex and the female body as something not to be trivialised or cheapened with easy access, on the part of men, and the need for more modesty on the part of women, to make men aware that they need to work hard to be worthy of women’s bodies.

I’m not sure exactly what you mean specifically by ‘the oversexualisation of our naked anatomy’? Can you expand on this to make sure I’m on the same page? And also what you mean by ‘the association of certain behaviours/objects/interests with certain genders’? I’m not sure how this is linked with sexuality. I’d also like to know what morals and values you would like to see instilled in children.


LacsapascaL t1_iuar2ze wrote

Also, would you want to eliminate sexuality from the perception of the female body?