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esotericenema t1_iufviy8 wrote

Every man feels like doing this every once in a while, in one particular context or another. Unless they have some seriously unhealthy issues.


PSEOL t1_iug2zj9 wrote

Lol what


esotericenema t1_iug4u40 wrote

I said what I said.


PSEOL t1_iug5ccr wrote

What would be unhealthy about not wanting to do that?


MiniITXEconomy t1_iug6q2l wrote

We don't even know what he's referring to, so it's hard to say. Feeling vulnerable, eating out her gonch - who knows.


TheEndingSpoiled OP t1_iug6tx3 wrote

These are the conversations art is meant to create


MiniITXEconomy t1_iug88og wrote

Do more male nudity. Posting lady bits is akin to karma farming on this site, but a flaccid dong, just... lying there? Now that's a conversation starter.


_PVRDVE t1_iuii1qf wrote

Lmao a woman kneeling at a man's crotch with his flaccid penis hanging out... that'll get you banned.


DifferenceCritical55 t1_iug78lb wrote

I thought it was meant to create conversations about barely getting by until you die then having rich people use your work to launder money.


esotericenema t1_iug8rho wrote

In very broad terms, I was referring to allowing oneself to be vulnerable to a woman, yes. And I simply said, essentially, that it is within man's nature to want that on occasion, in one form or another. I didn't say every man gets the opportunity to fullfill every such inclination or even that he should take up every such opportunity when presented to him. Only that to literally be devoid of any such inclination whatsoever strikes me as very unhealthy.


_PVRDVE t1_iuii66v wrote

I would rather be vulnerable and cry in front of my guy friends than in front of my woman.


esotericenema t1_iujbbkn wrote

I understand that too, but without going to the extreme of crying, necessarily, you do want your woman to have your back, right? To support you, in some sense, that if that support was sudden removed, it would be like pulling a rug right out from under your feet, especially emotionally. That's a kind of vulnerability, you know. Vulnerability to betrayal and what not. I feel like this piece encompasses ALL of that. Just a man's general desire to want some kind of true intimacy (which is inherently a vulnerability, by definition) with what one might call the "divine feminine." In other words, for some mysterious reason, I don't just not want to be stabbed in the back by my woman; but I want to give her the power to stab me in the back, in the first place (even when I don't necessarily have to do that) and then have her proceed to not stab me in the back, because she actually loves me, you know?