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PonyKiller81 t1_iuczpe8 wrote

The limited palette totally works. I love how cold and unfeeling this picture is, like a glimpse into a near future we're not ready for. Thanks for sharing OP.


zahren t1_iuelnz1 wrote

Welcome my son

Welcome to the machine


Almostasleeprightnow t1_iugelbu wrote

Thanks for posting this. I just started a job at a huge corporation, which I am at peace with, but this is accurate for sure.


_HopSkipJump_ t1_iudtwl4 wrote

And the guy seems to be walking so happily into that ominous structure, there's something unnerving about it. I'd love to see more, it's giving me strange vibes which I'm liking alot. Nice work👍


VaguelyArtistic t1_iuf9oot wrote

I love this. It reminds me of the game Inked but I like the tiny bit of extra color you've added.


Nekot-The-Brave t1_iufywbh wrote

Looks like one of the entrances to Panchaea from Deus Ex: Human Revolution


electricwidget t1_iugc9bx wrote

Love this. It reminded me of a Metallica lyric; "Look to the sky just before you die, it's the last time you will." Look long at that low hanging sun, my friend, for there is no light within the machine.