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Algebutter OP t1_iu4xmv7 wrote

This took a bit of time to complete but I had a ton of fun making it. Hope you guys like it :)


CantThinkOfOneDont t1_iu590y3 wrote

Tell me the lore


Algebutter OP t1_iu5a9wv wrote

You see that lil guy in the back? He's come over to surprise and hang out with his homie :)

(I liked the idea of a confident hero in the midst of dungeon spelunking, running into a guardian that he's about to shoot and loot)


GreedyAndSlothful t1_iu5nr0v wrote

Art looks amazing!

Just how much perspective did you study and how did you do it :OOO

I just have no idea how to comfortably put forms in perspective, specially with warping like this haha


Algebutter OP t1_iu5qc4a wrote

This is the first 4 pont perspective piece I'd ever made. I was teaching 2 point perspective for my students but ran into issues so I used this to level up (there are mistakes everywhere lol)


GreedyAndSlothful t1_iu5sd2w wrote

You can… fix your previous, more basic problems by doing more complex versions of the same problem? Will that work out ?


Algebutter OP t1_iu5tie5 wrote

Oh, that's my bad. My students said that 2 point perspective was boring. I used the next qualitative step up to literally illustrate where they could take their work if they kept improving.

The problem was boredom, and I wanted to show what an older student (that they pay lol) would do.


OnePrettyFlyWhiteGuy t1_iu7ii65 wrote

Not OP- but (in some cases) I think so, yeah.

For example, having problems drawing ellipses? You’ll get better at them if you draw a bunch of cylinders since you have to draw at least 2 for each cylinder anyway.

Trouble drawing a 2D rectangle? Draw 3D boxes. You gotta draw 6 of them for each box now. Etc.


OnePrettyFlyWhiteGuy t1_iu7i7cz wrote

That’s what I love about art though. You’re not a camera. All illustration will inherently be flawed - but despite that we can become so skilled where it actually makes something look better rather than worse.

The whole is worth more than the sum of its parts. Each line and shape (flawed or not) comes together to create something far greater than itself.


Algebutter OP t1_iu7jt40 wrote

I think, making tasteful errors is like 80% of the job whenever I take on work. It's fun! But a little emotionally taxing sometimes.

Glad you guys understand :)


Weerwolf t1_iu6gdow wrote

Time to boot up an EVA for that angel I guess


JaymorrReddit t1_iu5oezi wrote

Looks a lot like Tsutomu Nihei's work. Immediately reminded me of Blame! Were you inspired by him at all?

It's really cool.


Algebutter OP t1_iu5qldb wrote

Haha I actually checked out the manga AFTER having made this. Enough people mentioned it that I finally caved yesterday. It's pretty cool :)


JaymorrReddit t1_iu5qy3w wrote

Nice nice. It's one of my favorites and I've been following Nihei's work for a while now so I'm always glad to see something comparable.


Tha_Watcher t1_iu6ic7j wrote

This is great! I feel like it deserves a manga or something.


Algebutter OP t1_iu6jp3j wrote

Real talk here. Working on this made me appreciate comic book artists even more, just based off of the speed-to-quality ratio. Mangaka are crazy, it's an insane amount of work.


OnePrettyFlyWhiteGuy t1_iu7jl7g wrote

Every time I watch an anime that has great art and animation I can never help but just think about how much effort actually goes into actually achieving it.

I’m just there in awe like, “Someone is actually hand-drawing each frame. And the high budget stuff can have upwards of 20,000 of them”.

I know they have different teams that work on different ‘layers’ and ‘keys’ and stuff - but holy hell I cannot imagine just how much work a single animator does - especially with how small the animation teams actually are most of the time.


Algebutter OP t1_iu7ktvf wrote

Arcane, is probably the most beautifully animated piece I'd seen in years. I got that feeling super often during lulls in the story :)


vieirafranco t1_iu64jwx wrote

That’s nostalgic, I like it very much.


Algebutter OP t1_iu661et wrote

Oh? That's cool, remind you of old dungeon crawlers? :)

Maybe (hopefully) sci fi manga :)


Snugglers t1_iu6r2te wrote

Omg he's about to be crited!. Phenomenal work.


Voodoo_Masta t1_iu6zdco wrote

Cool as fuck. Love the wide angle!


coysmithy t1_iu7fu9r wrote

Very cool. Love the creature design for the Sentinel. Would love to see more.


Algebutter OP t1_iu7jo3m wrote

I'm glad you like it, thanks!

You can probably find more of my work floating around on the internet. I can't post links but just DM if you're interested :)


RokujuToshi t1_iu80ij8 wrote

When I was playing D&D our DM made a badass golem (bone type) called a “Triskelion” that looked alot like this, it had three heads/arms/legs and it spun when it ran at us swinging bone axes made from giants’ scapulae— wicked. (A golem is a magical construct that is set as a sentinel/guardian and it’s tough to destroy)


Algebutter OP t1_iu9nca9 wrote

That sounds really cool. I loved making DnD art for my friends. It'd usually take a week or two but feel like it really elevated the experience.

Personally, didn't enjoy the game a ton, I'd just quietly sketch their characters lol


RokujuToshi t1_iu9yf43 wrote

Personalized art particular to a homebrewed campaign definitely elevates the experience. While you might not be a player, you’re still active in the world-building.


BeastofJersey t1_iu84mgq wrote

Jeez the perspective and depth. art styles gives me Jjk vibes


Algebutter OP t1_iu9nfcm wrote

Loved doing this project. Was fun. And JJK is pretty awesome. Seem to get that comment (compliment) alot.

Entirely unintentional but I'm glad to hear it :) thanks homie


Rihonin t1_iu8cpwg wrote

you could make a manga outta this


Algebutter OP t1_iu9nn1y wrote

lol I wish. But manga covers? Feel like that'd be a ton of fun.

More of an illustrator than someone who creates panels. Those people are crazy efficient!


Cleopatramaximus t1_iu8tb87 wrote

Super tight work man, reminds me of the Gunnum (Alita) manga


Algebutter OP t1_iu9osm8 wrote

> the Gunnum (Alita

Feel like I still gotta watch/read this story. People seem to love it to death :)

I keep getting bombarded by awesome content from people on the internet. Just a little overwhelmed on where to start