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wanttowritemore OP t1_jebo4y8 wrote

Saw some people complaining about all the naked white girls posted here lately, be the change you want to see in the world I guess.


Gr1m_Bl0ss0m_fl0wers t1_jec2rj0 wrote

I really like this, I like that it's a change from the naked white girl. I think some of the nude peices on here can be really artistic but some tend to just be hypersexulized peices. To each their own, but I like seeing more of a variety and I like artsy nudity personally. I really enjoy this.


Intelligent-Art3094 t1_jednr71 wrote

Heh…given all the discourse surrounding Gaugin’s rampant exploitation and fetishisation of the Tahitian women, I’d say this is a pretty lateral move.

(Note: I’m a “love the art not the artist” kind, so for the record I also think this is an incredibly beautiful painting)


amazingwhat t1_jefbiuo wrote

I love Gauguin’s style but he is probably one of the best known assholes of the art world. I think the context of his work really does prove the issue people have with this sub as of late, though has work obviously has a colonialist tint as well.


ChemicalNick04 t1_jecrj3h wrote

Isn’t the dog also technically nude? So, three nudes?