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tagman11 t1_jcd3ord wrote

Looks good. What's all the symbolism about?


redhalftone OP t1_jcd8d3u wrote

Thanks! It's the idea that who we are can be shaped through words, how people treat us, and things that happen to us. Sometimes the poisonous things we encounter become part of who we are so we inflict some of that behavior on other people or even ourselves. So basically, the panther represents that negative outer behavior. The skull beneath is meant to represent a more vulnerable self underneath. The items in the four corners are common sources of 'poisonous things'. The breaking heart is bad/toxic relationships. The lock/chains represent insecurities. The hand is physical abuse and the message bubble represents verbal abuse.


FloatationCrank t1_jces2yp wrote

This is so spot on. In early sobriety I decided I wasn't '*name, the alcoholic'. I was '*name, who has alcohol issues'. Really helped with my mindset.


redhalftone OP t1_jcg2afr wrote

Thank you! Ahh that's so true. Someone close to me has a similar story and struggle with alcohol. Seeing them and their situation really made me see that change really has to come from inside you. I wish you the best!


Livvyy23 t1_jcd4ryj wrote

Makes me think of my dad’s classic line, “hey, what’s your major malfunction, dude?!?”


americasweetheart t1_jcee847 wrote

He's paraphrasing Full Metal Jacket.


Livvyy23 t1_jcjdwg0 wrote

AHHHHHHHH, thank you! I’ve recently been learning he’s a lot more cultured than I thought as a teenager, HAHA.


drakens6 t1_jce4rw2 wrote

nicely done.

like Shepard Fairey meets Dios de los muertos.


redhalftone OP t1_jce6wrr wrote

I'll take that as a compliment, I'm inspired by both!


drakens6 t1_jcfp848 wrote

You're also tackling a very difficult issue.


MyNameGotPicked t1_jceaiog wrote

I would love to see this on a patch, great work!!!


redhalftone OP t1_jcg18an wrote

Thanks! That's a dope idea, I'll keep that in mind!


64557175 t1_jcejeq3 wrote

Thank you for the reminder. I've been wallowing in my current situation, but I have to remember that what is more important is identifying with how I can overcome my obstacles; that is me.


redhalftone OP t1_jcg1ocy wrote

Of course! Hang in there, hope things turn around for you.


dickangstrom t1_jcgou8d wrote

This is such good vector art, love it! The line thickness is perfect, and the typography choice is on-point. Not to mention there are some nice areas of visual rest. I also love the color choices and subtle use of halftones in the mouth and diamond areas. This is my favorite piece of artwork I've seen this week, and even though I'm some unimportant rando on the Internet, I just wanted to tell you how fucking excellent this is!


redhalftone OP t1_jcgvko9 wrote

I really appreciate the kind words and your eye for all the details you mentioned. Those are all the things I think about when making a piece to make sure it feels visually 'balanced' -- to put it in simple terms. I appreciate you!