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[deleted] t1_jdprgv7 wrote



SenpaiSwanky t1_jdqw7ls wrote

This is exactly what one of the monsters looks like though lol. Intentional or not the resemblance is too close


Claris-chang t1_jdqwreh wrote

My boy Krumm hasn't missed a leg day since his show got cancelled.


cellenium125 t1_jds2r90 wrote

lol as i am informing others, this guy is trying to pass AI art as "digital"


aldjiers t1_jdqbr4g wrote

The monster looks like a show from a Childhood but not sure what it's called.


souse03 t1_jdq7gm8 wrote

In case you care about some constructive criticism: the anatomy of those arms could use some work and also the edge of the katana should be facing the monster.

That monster from ahhh monster! Always have me the creeps


cellenium125 t1_jds2j2v wrote

It's cause it is AI art, this guy is trying to pull one over on us


BrayWyattsHat t1_jdt3bxb wrote

Katana edge placement is fine. You're seeing the follow through of an attack.

Sword would have started up above his right shoulder, then was swung in a downward slicing motion ending at his left him. The front edge of the katana would have been in the right place for that.

Other stuff is off, but that's proper.


souse03 t1_jdt3ks4 wrote

I guess that could be it. To be it looked like he was about to attack in an upward motion but your take is equally possible


BrayWyattsHat t1_jdt4eqs wrote

You'd need a different grip on the sword if itbwas supposed to be an upward attack.


souse03 t1_jdt79lq wrote

Ok yes I just did the motion and you are right. Hand position indicates attack right to left. I stand corrected


BabyNapsDaddyGames t1_jdr7lj5 wrote

Samurai Jack vs Krumm!

Death Battle!


cellenium125 t1_jds313t wrote

It's fake art. Look at where the armpit hair is on the right, look at the sword handle with the extra fingers. notice how off the proportions are. No one who could draw this well would make these mistakes. Also all those excess teeth are a common AI thing.


BabyNapsDaddyGames t1_jdsa5lc wrote

How did my comment have anything to do with AI art?

Who hurt you so badly?


cellenium125 t1_jdsb5u2 wrote

I am saying the guy who made the post is lying and I and letting people know. It's not always about you my friend.


RyanfaeScotland t1_jdt4tso wrote

It's a reply to him though, so it should be about him at least a little bit.


cellenium125 t1_jdtb1iu wrote

Nope, i am just telling everyone on the post so this guy doesn't steal up likes and trick people.


BabyNapsDaddyGames t1_jdtdxk3 wrote

Then make your own reply though, why the shit would you reply to a comment and not the OP ya goober?


cellenium125 t1_jdtios8 wrote

i did reply to the OP. I replied to everyone lol


BabyNapsDaddyGames t1_jdtizyv wrote

You're a sad little person that puts far too much effort into shitting all over a post.


cellenium125 t1_jdtt4v5 wrote

cool your jets there bud. i just don't like liars. You're clearly in love with the OP, so its all good, i get it


BabyNapsDaddyGames t1_jdvpfgt wrote

Mother fucker, I made an offhand comment cause the image reminded me of something. Just cause I don't care for your bullshit reasoning doesn't mean I'm in love with anyone. Next time, keep your fucking shitty opinion to yourself.


cellenium125 t1_jdwconu wrote

Take an Ativan and a few deep breaths. You will be okay. It's just the internet


BabyNapsDaddyGames t1_jdx198o wrote

Nah, you can fuck right off.


cellenium125 t1_jdx3w1l wrote

Wow what language. Take a note from you user name - take a baby nap and maybe you will be less cranky lol let me know if you need any anger management references


BabyNapsDaddyGames t1_jdxfadg wrote

Yawn, I'm just sick of little shits like you but keep this going it just proves how little you matter.


aledba t1_jds4tjv wrote

Why is he trying to kill Krumm-y?


cellenium125 t1_jdt008o wrote

its AI art, the guy is pretending like he drew it digitally


ThunderSnacc t1_jdsgumi wrote

Krumm!!! Hell yes, this rules


cellenium125 t1_jdt05i1 wrote

down vote it, he is trying to pass this off as "digital art" it is Ai art


Rik8367 t1_jdr1o3b wrote

This reminds me of Labirinto del Fauno


cellenium125 t1_jds2euz wrote

Um, This is AI art .You can tell on the sword handle where the computer put a second set of fingers.


BrayWyattsHat t1_jdsz16y wrote

Maybe I'm dumb, but I definitely don't see a second set of fingers


cellenium125 t1_jdszsmt wrote

No worries. Follow his right arm to the sword handle. He is grabbing it, you see the back of his hand. Now follow up the hand, you see another hand grabbing it the opposite way.


BrayWyattsHat t1_jdt0or8 wrote

That's just his left and right hand, my dude.

There's a bunch of other wonky stuff going on, but that's just a standard two handed sword grip


cellenium125 t1_jdt2kjp wrote

Actually yeah, you are right. It looked like it was coming out of know where to me but his other arm is there just really deformed lol. Good call


BrayWyattsHat t1_jdt2ug4 wrote

Yeah, the back shoulder is janked, and his right forearm looks like it's coming out his stomach.


cellenium125 t1_jdtbjkj wrote

Yeah exactly. Anyway thanks for pointing it out. I wouldn't have seen it otherwise. I am eating crow on that point lol waters down my argument


RatatouilleM t1_jdq4i9l wrote

It's the beholster from enter the gungeon
