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mtomsky OP t1_ix4ste0 wrote

This is an old design I recently remade, inspired by own RSI in my wrist and hand. Originally drawn in pencil, designed in Illustrator and cut on a Trotec laser.


Deaths_Intern t1_ix5zjxu wrote

Struggled for over a year with my left arm, wrist and thumb tendonitis. Finally got most of it to clear up. Starting to maybe develop it in my right elbow now a few years later. So frustrating.

Anyways, your art speaks to me like few other pieces have. Excellent work.


mtomsky OP t1_ix79bdq wrote

Thank you, I'm happy my work speaks to you even if it's through shared pain


Deaths_Intern t1_ix831mw wrote

It's insane how badly we can mess ourselves up just by doing activities that we enjoy. The old adage is true, life's not always fair. Hopefully, we can both be pain free one day


[deleted] t1_ix7ogoi wrote

Ohhh I had the thumb tendonitis (de quervains?). It was so painful and disruptive. Thankfully the steroid injections were able to get rid of it but it took almost 6 months to resolve fully. Definitely feeling heard by OP's art.


foggy-sunrise t1_ix7xclg wrote

I've had issues with my elbows a lot.

My right thumb has something going on and it's no bueno.


OIK2 t1_ix7tzwl wrote

Have you done anything else in the style? I love medical illustration style, like Gray's Atlas of Anatomy. Both of my parents were paramedical, and that was my childhood reading.


mtomsky OP t1_ix7yazq wrote

I did some lungs and a heart which were one offs and I have another hand design which is anatomical but with a more mystical slant.


OIK2 t1_ix80qj2 wrote

After asking, I did the smart thing and looked at your past submissions. I like your anatomical work the best, but the deep layered style you use works great for telling a visual story.


Yub_Dubberson t1_ix4xhd5 wrote

I tore my hand up under the wheel of my go kart when I was 11. This is bringing up some strong feelings lol


mtomsky OP t1_ix4xtgf wrote

Ooh that sounds rough


Yub_Dubberson t1_ix4y84g wrote

To the bone, 4 surgeries and 3 skin grafts. Looked very similar to your work except it was my fingers and palm, no forearm. Cool piece!


SnooMaps1313 t1_ix51cgf wrote

This makes me really feel my own RSI, nice work


SupperSaiyanBeef t1_ix5ujgg wrote

This looks great. If you're interested in drawing more anatomic pictures, Frank Netter's atlas of human anatomy has really great drawings used in anatomy classes all over the country that may serve as good reference material.


r0botdevil t1_ix6opma wrote

I have Gray's, Grant's, and Netter's atlases of anatomy.

Netter's is by far the best and most useful.


mtomsky OP t1_ix79lg7 wrote

Ah nice, I have Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery by Bourgery which is incredible and what I used for reference in this piece. Also have Grays knocking about somewhere but I rarely use it.


External_Star3376 t1_ix9f92c wrote

It looks quite good actually. It's only missing the Median Nerve, that will help you not feeling the injury anymore.


SimplyFUBAR t1_ix5zcci wrote

You did such an excellent job with your composition. Wood choices are very complimentary. How did you achieve such a vivid red layer? Fantastic work! This might be interesting to iterate on with red/blue acrylic vein layers...


mtomsky OP t1_ix79r43 wrote

It's all woodstain and red stain takes very well. Acrylic could be interesting but Im not a fan of working with it, it's brittle and unforgiving of any mistakes.


freudianSLAP t1_ix7uyd4 wrote

Doesn't it also produce some toxic gases when Lazer cut?


PotatoCooks t1_ix8ju6v wrote

Long as you get the appropriate acrylic it's totally fine to cut


HighLifeARTandDESIGN t1_ix8kz4h wrote

All things cut with the laser produce toxic gases, it’s why you need good vent fans.


dad_life_272 t1_ix6uoc5 wrote

My crippling carpal tunnel loves this


mtomsky OP t1_ix7a95y wrote

Thanks carpal tunnel, I had it for a bit as well and it sucks in its own special way.


Luminouaheartgx t1_ix6iq2u wrote

Omg, this is amazing. I need this for like every part of my body.


mtomsky OP t1_ix79td6 wrote

Ah that feeling of getting old


yasuewho t1_ix6vu1m wrote

It's stunning. I love the medium. Is it what you work in often, or is this one unique?


mtomsky OP t1_ix7a1r1 wrote

Thanks my background is illustration but I pretty much solely work in wood now because of my rsi. Check out my profile, there's loads more there.


Frogkiller t1_ix6rj4d wrote

I had to click on this twice. That's pretty amazing.


Lovingthecock t1_ix6u764 wrote

You are very talented!! Well done.


bonejohnson8 t1_ix6wg6k wrote

This is awesome. Love the medium.


Piercerjim t1_ix6zmkt wrote

This is amazing! I love it!


micossa t1_ix7x1bj wrote

you know, I refrain from commenting in any of the posts here because it looks as though we see the same old boring stuff every day, but this work of yours is incredible. Cheers


itstheyear3030 t1_ix7xndy wrote

Very detailed and awesome performed work. I would like such for myself. OP thank you so much


pmmeyourapples t1_ix8fw19 wrote

I feel this one completely. I struggle with it on both arms…it makes life unnecessarily hard often.


mtomsky OP t1_ix8hk6x wrote

It's tough, gotta remember those stretches


Availably_Salty t1_ix8v7im wrote

I can feel the pain in my wrist just staring at this piece x.x

I love it!


Mollytovcocktail1111 t1_ixaixik wrote

Hairstylist of 20 years, so this resonates with me and my wrists 😂❤️

Beautiful work!!!


Theia95 t1_ix8v0mm wrote

I'm getting a nerve study done soon so I can find out whats wrong with mine.


Recently_only_child t1_ixz2qeh wrote

Love this! Great use of the medium to take advantage of the 3D layering


mtomsky OP t1_ixz4ibd wrote

Thank you and happy cake day!