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_Blackstar t1_ixk3dnd wrote

Probably ones that don't allow a man that threatened to blow up his mom's house and had the police called to the scene, then go out and buy a rifle and pistol to use to shoot up a gay bar.

I'm an avid gun owner but these shootings and all this hatred need to stop. And it's a lot easier to restrict access to something than it is to change a human mind.


Cmyers1980 t1_ixk67dr wrote

>Probably ones that don't allow a man that threatened to blow up his mom's house and had the police called to the scene, then go out and buy a rifle and pistol to use to shoot up a gay bar.

I agree.


Kisopop t1_ixm3vtq wrote

That would violate his second amendment right. At that point you could just assume literally anyone is mentally unfit to own a gun and then we have a bigger problem.


_Blackstar t1_ixmb1ei wrote

>violate his second amendment right.

The second amendment needs to be amended. When it was written, things like mental health and stability were not accounted for, weaponized zealotry and hatred were not accounted for. It's a 231 year old document, it's absolutely insane to me that as a country we don't do a better job of keeping things like that modern. Then again, a good chunk of the US worships a man that was written in a book 2000 years ago so I shouldn't be too surprised I guess.


birdcil t1_ixm97k3 wrote

Medical marijuana patients aren't allowed to own guns, yet these people are.


lininop t1_ixmlmza wrote

What sort of dumb ass slippery slope fallacy argument is this? Are you implying that everyone makes threats like this? Or that his right to own a boom stick is more important than the lives of the people he killed?