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cynicaloptimissus t1_ixktky5 wrote

I literally sobbed about this very thing today. I don't remember being a happy, innocent child. I wanted to ask my grandma what I was like, but she passed away three weeks ago.


bonniex345 t1_ixl8vz5 wrote

What is this about? I keep getting downvoted for asking, I don't understand


[deleted] t1_ixm8agh wrote



habitualeminence t1_ixmag97 wrote

As much art is, it’s up to the viewer mostly to give it meaning. But for me, and I’m assuming most of the other commenters, this is about child abuse, and the loss of memories and time that can follow. I was sexually abused as a child, and literally lost years of my life. I cannot remember anything from years 7-11. My parents will tell me stories about things I swear never happened. I feel like I lost my childhood, and as the post says, I don’t remember being a child, just my abuse.


[deleted] t1_ixmchrx wrote



unjadedview t1_ixmuopg wrote

it could mean a ton of different things. She could have been abused by someone in the church, she could have been abused under the declaration if god, she could have been told to just pray about it, or that it was her sinful fault...