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The_Almighty_Duck t1_iybofhf wrote

I had to do a double take just now, I can't believe that's a painting! It looks amazing!


notanalien000 t1_iybnrk1 wrote

Wow your paintings are so amazing and beautiful to me


LavaSh4rk t1_iyc25jp wrote

Legit looks like a photo bro


Longjumping-Main-797 t1_iybure9 wrote

Now THAT is some grass I’d like to touch!

Seriously, beautiful work. Looks almost like a photograph — it’s so alive!


iamhawksyi t1_iyc7f1y wrote

what did you paint with, a camera? very impressive


jmutter3 t1_iybr7ru wrote

How big is this painting? The trees are especially well done.


DoinMyBest93 t1_iybr1s0 wrote

I aspire to have this level of talent. Beautiful!


Auger217 t1_iyc2bp1 wrote

I thought it was a photograph. Excellent painting!


Larry_David_69 t1_iybwj7t wrote

I wish I wasn’t colorblind so I could paint something as realistic as this


halborn t1_iycd2s7 wrote

Paint it as you see it. If it looks like something else to others, well, that's art.


juliyen t1_iyd9dhb wrote

Hey, I have an artist friend (who's really talented) that has a difficult time distinguishing brown and greens. Sometimes, he would ask us which is which.

Another schoolmate is also colorblind but creates amazing portraits though I noticed that it's always black and white.

These two would come into mind first if someone's gonna ask me if I could recommend somebody for art.

There's also an artist online who takes videos of her creating art with a different colored light on. Not the usual white/warm/cool lighting but like led lights (red, etc.). It's interesting because you can't see the real colors so nobody knows what the result would be like but still ends up incredible even with the playful colors.


sleepingravioli t1_iyc5363 wrote

My brain refuses to believe this is a painting. Amazing work!


Dopamine473 t1_iych36c wrote

Extremely realistic, wonderful showcase of skill. Though I must ask why do you create art that has very little subjective interpretation and focuses mainly on replicating that which already exists? This is not a critique in any way I am just curious what drives artists to do realism.


BrooklynOnAFriday t1_iyclgkl wrote

I can’t speak for this artist but I paint realism and I personally love the technical challenge - I like each piece to be more demanding than the last to drive myself to be constantly improving. But more than anything, I think that when you paint realism it makes you stop and notice every detail, and that there’s a real beauty in that. You notice so many things you’d otherwise glance over, whether that’s intricate patterns, the way shadows and light hit something, or spots of intense colour that would otherwise go unnoticed. I know a lot of people see it as uncreative or unexciting, but I think it makes me spot the exciting in the otherwise ordinary, and I really love that.


SupremePooper t1_iye4zp3 wrote

The problem is that with current technology, this COULD very well be a photograph that has been run thru filters in a program like Painter or others to produce a very similar effect. I take your point and agree that while I truly admire this artist's technical skills, the very thing that would make it transcendent is the very thing that is missing, any variance from slavish representing of "reality" to reflect a deeper representation of the artist's personal impression. And that, only in light of the ease with which a digital capture of reality may be turned into a representation of a painting.


BrooklynOnAFriday t1_iyeebea wrote

I completely get your point about technology, I have seen a lot of similar images that have been made digitally to emulate traditional fine art. I work in graphic design and the software I use every day has lots of tools for replicating realistic brush strokes, as well as textures to overlay onto the document as a whole. That being said, I think there are a huge number of objects and products that people continue to make by hand despite the fact that there are processes and machine that COULD also produce them. Certain markets continue to pay a lot more for clothes that have been sewn or knit by hand, pottery that has been hand sculpted, furniture that has been hand carved. I think the same applies to realist art, while many people will be happy with something digital or a photo, the market will still be there for a painting. In terms of the artists personal impression, I try to communicate things through composition, and I think you can say quite a lot whilst still conforming to the realist style. I think it’s also important to consider is the way the art is being received, it just doesn’t translate onto a screen, and while we can admire a painting for looking like a photo, for me I’ll always been amazed standing in front of a piece of realist art, seeing the tiny details but also the texture and depth that comes with brush strokes. That being said, I’m probably biased because this is the type of art I personally love most!


Krawuzzn t1_iybwqu9 wrote

How long did it take you paint it?


idyllicideal t1_iyc4emv wrote

I wonder how people have the patience for this. Look at all the little details. I can’t imagine how much went into this. Such talent.


symplton t1_iyc2dvl wrote

That literally took my breath away. Fantastic! Easy to get lost in!


deadlyfeetnat t1_iybzfgp wrote

This painting bring so many childhood memories!


-Fr3ya- t1_iye6hhr wrote

That my friend is called a photograph… jokes aside that is sooo awesome! I had to zoom in to see if it‘s really a painting. You are insanely good!


LilYoungJedi t1_iydvmf0 wrote

i literally don't believe you


nyguy520 t1_iye05fm wrote

Any tips on how to make the trees especially the leaves look so good?


Jaxred613 t1_iyejg96 wrote

I thought you took a picture


Twenty_Seven t1_iycdnd9 wrote

Dude how are people this fucking good at painting?


dyana0908 t1_iycewxe wrote

thought i was in r/pics for a moment. seriously good work!!


openopiner t1_iycheba wrote

Boy, this is more realistic than the landscape photos that I have clicked.


BrooklynOnAFriday t1_iyckxrw wrote

Wow! You’re so talented, this is so realistic it’s like I can feel what it’d be like to be walking through this painting!


anewapproach t1_iycr49e wrote

Such painstaking work and very well done. I'd hang that in my office. How many hours did this take you?


Ishabewwa t1_iycrq2n wrote

I seriously thought this was a photo


whogotthekeys2mybima t1_iycuogx wrote

There’s 0 chance that this is not the most realistic painting I’ve ever seen.


Dark-Makaria t1_iycxde5 wrote

No it is not!? Holy crap this is incredible. I thought for certain it was a photo. Hat off to you, what an amazing talent! Well done!


EldritchAdam t1_iycxwix wrote

that's a lot of meticulous detail rendering! nicely done!


thoughtlooploopin_ t1_iyd546c wrote

I thought it was just a photo, initially. So realistic, amazing job


Slippy_Otter t1_iydc5de wrote

THATS A PAINTING??? I deadass thought that was a picture


pinkthrift t1_iydcrf0 wrote

Super realistic and absolutely stunning!


akd7791 t1_iydghy0 wrote

Wow I thought this was a picture. It's beautiful.


Aramedlig t1_iydglik wrote

Nice capture of the diffuse light!


EYEplayGeometryD t1_iydheoq wrote

Had to zoom in to confirm paint, amazing work


sp00kyb0iii t1_iydiknh wrote

Absolutely impeccable talent


sarkarnor t1_iydk8mo wrote

Your layers are so clean and good! Great depth.


kathysef t1_iydq2kc wrote

You're lying... that's a photo !!!

Lol - awesome painting. :)


JustinTheGnostic t1_iydt3wc wrote

Great painting! Looks like somewhere I've been!


907puppetGirl t1_iydunw8 wrote

Stunning, I love your blades of grass !


moonGazerr t1_iydvod9 wrote

No way this is painted! It's so detailed! Amazing work.


mandalarian t1_iydyj44 wrote

AI painting was my first thought. Nice.


flawlessqwe t1_iye0l1d wrote

Bruh im losing my ming over this piece, thought it was a photo, holy shit! Wonderful job!


EmotionalPansy t1_iye2oo9 wrote

I’m tongue-tide - It’s just so perfect. You’re truly talented. Thank you for sharing!


U81b4i t1_iye59eh wrote

Nice, I thought it as a good picture in the thumb. Nice to see the detail and you have some strong shadowing skills.


Spinna93 t1_iye5x1v wrote

Wtf, this is a photo! Not a painting 🤯🤯


Natrix420 t1_iye7s3d wrote

Thought this was a photograph. Your depth to the back tree line and the foggy mist there is so realistic. Extremely professional.


katiecat007 t1_iyect85 wrote

Incredible! It looks so real.


madairman t1_iyeejy0 wrote

Ain’t gonna lie, thought it was a nice photo.


iremLee t1_iyefity wrote

definitely a work of art.. masterpiece


oonabeardie113 t1_iyefru4 wrote

Wait wait wait. You painted that????? Looks like a legit photograph!


Jobdriaan t1_iyei9p4 wrote

Reminds me of the netherlands


700lux t1_iyeiser wrote

I thought I was looking at a picture on r/earthporn. Incredible.


doc10053 t1_iyemhpo wrote

This looks surreal, surely oil painting can be the most realistic form of art. Absolutely magnificent!


sneakyawe t1_iyeu5gg wrote

This is magic!! Had to zoom in to confirm, and wow… Your talent is amazing!


NoteStreet1375 t1_iyexy6v wrote

I really thought it was a photograph. Beautiful!


DeannaZone t1_iyf7mfw wrote

Thank you, this just inspired me to finish my project, it is a beautiful setting and talks about walking.


Astralsketch t1_iyd7a6p wrote

Have you seen the Hudson river school painters? They were able to make realistic paintings much like this, but they were also very aesthetically pleasing. This is well made, but it's ugly. You got the technique down, now you just have to get creative and make it beautiful.


DanZJZ t1_iydmsjz wrote

Aesthetics is subjective, though