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beauty_and_delicious t1_ixo21qa wrote

This is good stuff. It's not a comfortable piece but I think that is an important component in good art. It's something that demands to be looked at more than once. The title is great too.

Good for you in having that kind of honesty/bravery in your work.

Keep it up!!


argavilda OP t1_ixo2z4v wrote

Thank you so much! That means a lot to me. I had to go through some things that in turn gave me a voice. I try to be as honest and blunt with myself as I can. I want it to be uncomfortable. That means you're digging into something real. I'll keep digging for sure. Thank you!


kropkiide t1_ixoibab wrote

Kind of symbolises climate change, the environment and nature to me. Great stuff.


argavilda OP t1_ixprp6z wrote

Thank you! I'm a climate single-issue voter so I definitely appreciate this interpretation!


FarFetchedSketch t1_ixokzza wrote

Absolutely epic piece, big fan of everything. Comes across as oddly vulnerable, 12/10


argavilda OP t1_ixq3sn8 wrote

(Oops, I linked to the series this is a part of but the post got removed so I've pm'd you a link to the rest of the pieces).

Thank you so much! I try to make things that push me out of my comfort zone. I want to confront the insecurities and anxieties I have, and that hurts, but it's cathartic.


Scorch24 t1_ixp0v7f wrote

There's something about the plants around the skull that is so beautiful. I haven't stared at a picture like this in a long time. Thank you for sharing


argavilda OP t1_ixq2wtx wrote

They are from an old bog in the center of Odense, Denmark, so ancient stuff. They have a story to tell, I feel. Thank you very much for taking a look!


WoebegonFox t1_ixo7t75 wrote

I don't know art terms, but I really like

  1. how the skin is painted in boxes kinda

  2. the background texture(?) and color

Really cool style!


majelephant t1_ixp231g wrote

Very cool!! Reminds me of the artist aegis strife - I think you’d like his work :)


argavilda OP t1_ixq30yr wrote

> aegis strife

Uuuh, I like that very much! Thanks for the tip!


Refill_whore t1_ixp8uzz wrote

Could you tell us about the meaning?


argavilda OP t1_ixq3kml wrote

This is from a series about my struggle with mental illness. I have schizoaffective disorder and a bunch of anxiety and depressive diagnoses that makes living quite a challenge. I'm trying to find myself behind all of the clutter and noise in my head, and it's often very violent and distressful. I create these figures as representations of my illness and punish them so I don't have to punish myself. I don't know if that makes any sense, but it's difficult to explain. I do sometimes get messages from people who struggle like me that says that they can relate to my pieces. That's the biggest compliment and tragedy all at once.