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zapolight t1_j037og7 wrote

This is just a Pink Floyd album with one word changed. I know you probably did come up with it on your own (or saw the album and didn't fully realize it, then it came back to you) but it's just too similar, if a student turned this into me I'd get them for plagarism lol


TheSeaworthyFew t1_j03dqf8 wrote

Honestly the connection would never have occurred to me. I know some famous Pink Floyd songs and that one album cover with the refracted light, plus vaguely that poster with all the butts (which is a bunch of album covers I guess, though if you asked me to describe the covers being depicted to you without looking the only one I’d know for sure would be the refracted light and mayyybe the brick wall)

I’m just saying this is a more obscure reference than I think you realize

Images that sweep out to the horizon point are easily described as endless. Vistas of clouds out an airplane window really do look like big floating bodies of water. I’ve been staring out airplane windows since I was a kid, imagining boats and islands and etc and I didn’t need Pink Floyd’s help to get there

I had to Google to find the image you’re talking about because I had never seen it before and I don’t think I’m all that unusual in never having seen it before

Edited to add: the album you’re talking about came out in 2014 and that’s kind of fascinating to me, because if you’d asked me I would have guessed that Pink Floyd stopped putting out original music by like the early 1980s at the latest

Raise your hand if you knew there was a new Pink Floyd album within the last ten years


Frans4Life t1_j0421wc wrote

even if they have similar components, look at the differences.

the colours are way more saturated to give a less realistic and dreamlike feel.

it's framed as just observing the expanse of cloud and the boatperson fishing, through a window. In contrast the journey through the sky the album cover invokes by having the boatperson actively paddling and facing towards the horizon.

endless sea implies a purposeless drifting while river connotates a persistent forward momentum which I think fit the narrative of respective pieces well.


keepmeworm t1_j05vhvl wrote

I had to google this album cover because of the multiple people talking about how this is "just a pink floyd album cover". As someone who has never seen that album cover before, yes the concepts are similar but they don't look near similar enough visually to go to to the level of saying its plagiarized. Its literally a person in a boat on some clouds, I wasn't aware pink floyd owned that concept. There are many differences between the images, just because the main concept is the same doesn't mean they straight up copied it. The angle and position of the person in the boat isn't even the same. In my unbiased opinion there are even components to their creation I like more than the album cover. Like the colors for one, and having the composition framed inside the window.


cjlutera t1_j06i241 wrote

It's the same usage of the word endless that makes it suspect. Endless river and endless sea. That's a mighty coincidence.


zapolight t1_j0709fj wrote

That's what I'm saying. Also, it's not the most original Pink Floyd design so I totally think that OP came up with it on his own, but the use of endless is just too similar.