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Significant_Air4522 t1_izrwb5l wrote

Looks so peaceful. I could sit there for a couple hours and just enjoy the chill.


CastInSteel t1_izsgi9n wrote

I love your aesthetic. Watercolor is a medium that blows my mind


GolDjali t1_izsdjpb wrote

Beautiful work, OP; thanks for sharing.


nachobel t1_izsqa1m wrote

This is beautiful.

I used to do some watercolor nearly 20 years ago. I recently got an iPad with procreate and a pencil hoping to digitally do the same, but itโ€™s not nearly as fun as the real thing.


FiggeArt OP t1_izsrj2r wrote

I have tried digital watercolor and have come to the conclusion that I like traditional better.


nachobel t1_izssxfc wrote

Yeah. The ability to get the brush really wet and combine or move colors around is like, kind of the point!


ZukowskiHardware t1_izsko1n wrote

Get this in a frame ya savage. Great work thanks for sharing


Zero_Two_t t1_izspzsa wrote

The subtle glow in the water from undercoats really makes the water pop I love it


MrMayonnaise13 t1_izsm6bd wrote

Looks like the Swedish classic film Dunderklumpen. It's both a cartoon and filmed in the North of Sweden.


hushedcounselor t1_izsia3f wrote

Looks very serene and peaceful. Like a calm before a storm.


midromney t1_izspi6j wrote

Awesome work on that reflection as well as everyone else.


TheExArchitect t1_izsqy4z wrote

I know when you said summer, you might have meant generic summer. However I would love to know summer in which region.

Each region has its own special summer hues, I am interested to know, where these colours are from.


FiggeArt OP t1_izsrqx4 wrote

My inspiration comes from Sweden


TheExArchitect t1_izstqxz wrote

That's so cool. My best friend is settled in Sweden. Might i bother you, what time of day is it from (never been to Sweden myself)


FiggeArt OP t1_izsu5ur wrote

When I painted this I had an early summer day in mind.


Nieshtze t1_izvufhs wrote

Nailed it, I spent some time in Sweden and an early summer day in Sweden is what came to my mind after looking at your painting. Great job!


bigjimired t1_izt9y2a wrote

I would swear this was the central interior of British Columbia. I did primitive pencil sketches at home that are this, essentially, just not as askilled as you.


gutted_wreck t1_izt6oc6 wrote

Beautiful! I'm curious how long you've been doing watercolors?


FiggeArt OP t1_izt7xsj wrote

I started with watercolor almost 2 years ago but started painting 10 years ago with acrylic. Now I can't let go of the watercolors๐Ÿ™‚


gutted_wreck t1_izt8qfn wrote

I looked through your posts of art and you are quite talented! Keep making more! I'd love to be able to do that.


FiggeArt OP t1_izt9387 wrote

Thank you so much I really appreciate it.


Rare_Neat_36 t1_izt233i wrote

Gorgeous. Iโ€™d love to just be on a bench and contemplate life.


alexanderlot t1_izt4y3w wrote

i instantly got the evocation of being young and reading Hatchet


aikimagic t1_izt92cf wrote

Super good, I'd like that on my wall.


jewelmoth t1_izt9464 wrote

amazing, i love the colours, like on the lake, the dark blues then the pink reflecting from the sky!...


IWannaRockWithRocks t1_iztlces wrote

I really love the colours and perspective. I'm in awe of people who can use water colour like this! I can paint ok with oils but just can't figure out water colour.


FiggeArt OP t1_iztnypu wrote

For me it's the opposite. If I try something other than watercolor, I feel lost. Even though I started with acrylic a long time ago, I have a hard time going back to it.


IWannaRockWithRocks t1_iztwfcc wrote

Well at this point I wouldn't either. You have real talent. This is clearly your medium for now, run with it!


IWannaRockWithRocks t1_iztwt9q wrote

Do you use a wet or dry canvas?


FiggeArt OP t1_iztzhcw wrote

I always soak my watercolor papers before I paint.


IWannaRockWithRocks t1_izu5yz6 wrote

Thanks this is what I have tried in the past. I have just can't make my colours look like that. With oils I use a base coat of white paint and I find it to be an incredibly forgiving medium because of how long it takes to definitely don't have this leeway with water colour in my experience. Thanks for taking the time answering my questions. I appreciate it.


Treppenw1tz t1_iztpya3 wrote

I love this! It looks so peaceful and serene, and hats off to you because watercolor is hard! Nice. :)


apawntothepencil t1_iztrx0e wrote

Really beautiful. I picture myself floating peacefully on a rowboat, then Jason pops out and.....


Fun_Possibility_8637 t1_iztyo93 wrote

Very beautiful understated and subtle. Much more difficult to achieve than it appears . Very fine work


DrHousewife t1_izv84fj wrote

What brand of watercolors do you use?


pr0fofEfficiency t1_izvgmmg wrote

The colors are so beautiful and the scene so peaceful. If you donโ€™t mind me asking, how long does a piece like this take?


FiggeArt OP t1_izw5cvu wrote

About a day, but that's a lot of drying time included.


jabroni_rl t1_izvmpr7 wrote

This is stellar. Where did you learn to watercolor paint? I've been thinking about getting into it but i'm not really sure how


FiggeArt OP t1_izw5icq wrote

I am self-taught, I learn new things all the time


azdodger27 t1_izxmscp wrote

I love the light and dark contrast. The sky is absolutely beautiful. This is perfect not too much and not too little which is very hard to accomplish with watercolors. Great job!


fujigold t1_izv9ap5 wrote

I like this. Looks like a Japanese woodblock.


Icy-Addendum4930 t1_izvavyp wrote

I like the mist/fog effect and use of color. Really serene and pretty


ProgramCrypt t1_izvriuc wrote

Wow, thatโ€™s really well done! Very pretty