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FrameofMindArtStudio t1_j1z4egz wrote

Okay, I do love this, but the tiny hand is giving me strong Deadpool vibes and now I cant not see it.


F-Anolis OP t1_j1zdnqi wrote

Ok , personally I like the deformation that an imperfect cast brings


Slawth_x t1_j203jv9 wrote

Is it supposed to look like 3 different people are involved?


F-Anolis OP t1_j208kxk wrote

Nope , I molded it from only two models


eesamees t1_j208kxd wrote

i love the colorful flowers on the blank sculpture :)


F-Anolis OP t1_j209c9o wrote

Thank you very much, I didn't want to let it totally white. I think flowers bring some sweetness and contrast


eesamees t1_j209oeg wrote

me too! i don't see what people mean by saying it's a bad addition


F-Anolis OP t1_j20hykt wrote

It's Ok , that's why I love to post in Reddit , I can see different opinions and reactions about my work through comments


eesamees t1_j209ugg wrote

someone also said they're painted on and that it looks cheap, but i clearly see depth and texture in them all. nice work :)


F-Anolis OP t1_j20i6ie wrote

Thanks again ! It's difficult to really see with the picture it's real dry flowers on the sculpture


eesamees t1_j20ia9e wrote

thats so cool!! i thought maybe it was some kind of paper mache or something


Sfumatographer t1_j1zxkxg wrote

I think it’s a marvelous piece of art. Personally, I could’ve done without the colors, but art is subjective. What I like here is the suggestion (in actuality) that there’s much to discover in this piece. It’s a piece you’d revisit to look for its meaning, subjectively speaking. Fine work!


F-Anolis OP t1_j208sdg wrote

Thanks a lot for your feedback I appreciate!


Mysteriousdeer t1_j22r93w wrote

I like the colors and find that white is overpowering in most museum pieces/settings.

It makes it feels sterile, when real life is not sterile. That's not what humanity is.


LatinGeek t1_j1yzjkd wrote

this owns

Is it sculpted or cast? Either way, super impressive


F-Anolis OP t1_j1z0p5n wrote

It's molded from models. And thank you !


Cash907 t1_j20g6wo wrote

I’m seeing three separate sets of hands here, and the deflated index finger on the left most is freaking me right TF out.


Smudge_The_Goat t1_j21wng2 wrote

This is beautiful, are those real flowers or are they painted on?


F-Anolis OP t1_j23s4ck wrote

Thank you , yes it's real dry flowers on it


hanbeom t1_j22v42c wrote

Are they real flowers? If so, that’s awesome! Does the choice of flowers and their combination mean something?


F-Anolis OP t1_j23s0yf wrote

Yes it's real dry flowers , glad you like it ! I put flowers to brings something soft and sweet in this scene , coz I didn't want something too much stark


DonaldTrumpsBallsack t1_j20095o wrote

I really do love this. I do think the painted flowers kinda cheapen the look of it, but I get what you’re going for!


gamesquid t1_j1z47f2 wrote

AI art always drawing hands in the weirdest places.


ACEDT t1_j21iyqu wrote

This is a sculpture, not AI art. It's just a slightly weird cast.


No-Yogurtcloset4626 t1_j1ykaqd wrote

is she being forced? what were your thoughts while making this?-


zackmophobes t1_j1ynh4y wrote

Pretty sure she is guiding. This seems intimate not brutal.


F-Anolis OP t1_j1yooyc wrote

No no, everyone agrees in this scene