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C3Sabertooth t1_j1l2je0 wrote

Weird title! Beautiful art!

I love the pale horse.


RiakkteR4 t1_j1l3mtf wrote

Wow... this is amazing OP. Thank you for sharing!


mitch-dubz t1_j1l58uk wrote

This is beautiful. I love the haunting imagery and the perplexity of it, like thinking about death.


Hello_Kalashnikov t1_j1l8vfg wrote

Francis Bacon does Michelangelo. JK, great artwork on its own merits.


BarrelRider91 t1_j1le9x4 wrote

Spacial arrangement of the different elements reminds me of it. Also some look more solid, others more transparent. Also, I see several subjects taken after existing old masters’ paintings (some of the angels look from Verrocchio and Leonardo). I like it.


freshgrilled t1_j1led9w wrote

I would love an explanation or analysis of this art.


gPseudo t1_j1lg6u8 wrote

"I don't think that was a microdose"


lhn1421 t1_j1lifcg wrote

it reminds me of Eclipse in Berserk


ThrowAwayTrans-2020 t1_j1lko97 wrote

This is amazing, I have fallen in love with it the moment my eyes laid upon it.


IsabelWinchester t1_j1lld4o wrote

This is amazing!!! The angels with the trumpets, the pale horse, and death behind the open door all signal to the beginning of the apocalypse to me. The ophanim was included since they’re believed to help people with spiritual evolution, right? Or was there another reason you added the ophanim?


Neeeko1 t1_j1lpgct wrote

So much to get lost in, thank you its beautiful


HarlequinLord t1_j1lto6a wrote

White horse on the right has hardcore La Guernica vibes


ADsingh05 t1_j1m1jj9 wrote

Is it by any chance inspired by berserk?


TrexTrader t1_j1maioo wrote

I am in awe of this painting, teach me, please!!


DustyToaster t1_j1mexlm wrote

Nice painting, great brushwork. A quick question though, is that person at the fore front wearing the mask from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, parts 1-2?


Radiantlady t1_j1mhrr7 wrote

Door on right is reflective of Rodin doors of hell!!!


howthefuckcan t1_j1mjstb wrote

This looks amazing. Can I download it for personal use?


DweEbLez0 t1_j1n8tcm wrote

They all fighting for that Bomb Ass P***y


ArtOfTheSon t1_j1nmr0o wrote

Absolutely incredible! I love the eye-sphere-cage thing in the back.


Bahamuto-San t1_j1nqcad wrote

Wow! This is fucking sick! I love to zoom and and look at the background because there’s a lot of subjects and really interesting details, like the guy in the doorway over to the right. I love the ghostly dog maws on the right hand side, beautifully done effect. I hope this ends up in a museum and after humanity dies or our generation rots away that the new generations or possibly aliens look at it like “What is this? Was this some epic battle that happened in their time?” Really cool artwork 👏


gc3 t1_j1nwah5 wrote

So this is where the killer rabbit that menaced the knights of the round table was born


[deleted] t1_j1oaxli wrote

When I used to take medication I hallucinated often and saw shadow dogs that looked just like the ones here