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jimmusilpainter OP t1_j63oivi wrote

This is an ode to Dutch landscape painting. I’ve always loved their poetic simplicity. The flat terrain of the polders pushes the horizon line down low in the frame giving ample space for a beautiful light blue sky filled with maritime clouds blown in from the sea. It reminds me of my home state of Minnesota, which in certain parts can also be very flat and dotted with black and white dairy cows.
Thanks to Hilda Lok for letting me use her photo as a reference for this painting. I hope you enjoy the results!


Bad-news-co t1_j65vza1 wrote

Lol dang man, this is so good that it legit looks like a digital piece rather than an acrylic on canvas painting!! Did you just use your phone and normal lighting?


MutterderKartoffel t1_j63wc57 wrote

So much to love about this! But what weirdly stood out to me was the tie tracks in the mud. The color of the mud is so perfect. It's that brown, reflecting the blue of the sky that says it's still a bit damp. I can't explain why that called out to me, but it really did. I love cows, I love sunsets and sunrises, and you did a wonderful job on both.


jimmusilpainter OP t1_j63xcdc wrote

Thank you so much! I liked the sheen on the mud in the damp morning, too.


barbarossa1984 t1_j64tftx wrote

Love this!

PS I know it's not what you were going for but I immediately thought of that iconic Reservoir Dogs scene where they're walking down the street in a bunch in their black suits and white shirts. It struck me as the pastoral equivalent of that image.

Reservoir Dogies if you'll permit the terrible pun.


jimmusilpainter OP t1_j64ufl9 wrote

Haha! That’s an amazing connection. I find it pretty hard to find good photos of cows because they tend to stare directly at you if you get too close. I liked the photo reference I used here because they were just doing their thing.


I_am_the_snail t1_j63puyu wrote

Love the peaceful morning feel to this painting! Feels like I can smell the dew on the grass. Beautiful.


gayings t1_j65onu1 wrote

We walk a lonely road, the only road that we have ever known


jakew9364 t1_j64g90g wrote

Was Constant Troyon's Ox painting in the Musee D'Orsay another reference here?


jimmusilpainter OP t1_j64ofk3 wrote

I'm not familiar with that work, but there WAS another painting in the Orsay that I was thinking about ... Rosa Bonheur's "Ploughing in the Nivernais". The composition is different and her detail work is masterful, but the general mood of that painting had a profound impact on me and I was going for something similar here.


in-water-or-ink t1_j675m7l wrote

I was going to ask if Anton Mauve was an influence from the composition. Your painting is great, thanks for sharing.


filmpigs t1_j654uc8 wrote

Beautiful! I love that this feels like a quick snapshot in time instead of a carefully curated frame. Not to say that this isn't beautifully composed, just that it feels like a real moment in time.


julsmapache t1_j65gh6h wrote

like the amazing spiderman


squeekiedunker t1_j66i3tl wrote

Love absolutely everything about this painting! (But I love cows, so that helps 😊). Congratulations on perfection ... or let's make it 'near perfection' so you don't think you can retire your paints.


robindonne t1_j671gcm wrote

You see the clouds? Thats from burping. And please dont let them shit on the grass please. We are doomed


sofia_flowerss t1_j67do3e wrote

The sunset.... hoooly cooowww you are incredible!


ShokaLGBT t1_j681ubn wrote

It’s so cute and realistic I like it


c_side_art t1_j68q5pt wrote

You’ve finally ventured over to Reddit! I’ve been following you for the last year on IG/TikTok. Great work as always!