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lazyplayer121 t1_j5uh13u wrote

Depth of field is just Italian chef kiss


Redditerderrrr t1_j5vxa22 wrote

How did you render the blurred out of focus part? I always wonder how artist do this. This looks awesome by the way. It really looks like a moving body of water.


Terrebeltroublemaker t1_j5utpxv wrote

The way you captured the essence of water with charcoal is so impressive!!!


vmt7 t1_j5vl11z wrote

I love this so much. Very impressive, especially the "glinting" of the ocean from the sun's light. Excellent job!


InternationalBand494 t1_j5vq2z8 wrote

I never knew it was possible to draw realistic water in charcoal. The glints from the sun and the sense of motion is really peaceful


Zalahan t1_j5w17zl wrote

Wow. this gives me stranded and drowning vibes. The nature of the waves looks very realistic, Well done!


tiger-menace t1_j5w2y90 wrote

Wow.. did you experience this or purely imagination that you were there? It s so amazing how you were able to capture the details at that moment. It looks so real. It also conveyed the feels to me as i have experienced be in the water like this. Lol


VincentVanGTFO t1_j5wnpc3 wrote

Something about this beseeches the viewers gaze... Well done.


clubsport58 t1_j5xscyy wrote

So stunning, I love the texture of the page and how it contributes to the overall aura of the artwork.


redwasp100 t1_j5yyhuk wrote

This is just....phenomenal, really well done! 👏


SiphonsHyphens t1_j5zc72q wrote

Love your depth of field. Beautiful atmosphere overall :)


artsbyamy t1_j64wfky wrote

I'm shocked at how good this is!