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Prewash_Required t1_j6dvfvk wrote

This is so striking! The vibrant colour and use of texture are beautiful. Great work!


Starszns t1_j6e6g6g wrote

I absolutely love this, is it a lake with island forests? a reflection? Either way phenomenal color choice and the textures!


Gaucho_azul t1_j6ekr2l wrote

I love your art and style and am considered getting an original, but I don’t understand your pricing structure - why are some pieces listed at $35,000 and others of similar quality (to me) and size are less than $500?


Anastasia_Trusova OP t1_j6es5ez wrote

these are different sizes, what is expensive is huge paintings, I paint from months, there is a lot of work, details. something for 500, small.


dranaei t1_j6dznzp wrote

Reminds me of starry night.


wyedamnit t1_j6fdzfq wrote

Beautiful work, thanks for sharing!


mad597 t1_j6g3qg2 wrote

Looks like a Moody Blues song


Wyatt_Numbers t1_j6gt6vi wrote

I absolutely LOVE the colors on this. And the texture! Amazing


PandaDontLikeYou t1_j6guwuq wrote

I’ve been waiting for your art work! So amazing!


Zombie_00_ t1_j6gv2wy wrote

I love this so much. I know art terms and shii but my brain just says "me like".


Interesting-Rip3420 t1_j6gwkyy wrote

My honest reaction outload whilst at work was 'HOLY SH!T' thats incredible.


nnmarsman t1_j6j9fwe wrote

I am a huge fan of this art


funkYjunk20 t1_j6jjcyq wrote

Absolutely glorious! I love the movement - it takes the eye all the way around the canvas. How big is it?


Narna4ever t1_j6m5r7j wrote

I just love it :)

You dont have a YouTube video of this painting? Have seen many of you videos, but would love to she how you did this one. Grab some of the technique you use ;)


KieDaPie t1_j6fnkfk wrote

kinda reminds me of kurama from naruto
