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crankyape1534 t1_j5qdx9d wrote

Second amendment: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”It’s just that simple. Read it how your mind likes and it still doesn’t change the text.

Regardless if you believe in the right or not, it’s still not about guns. Criminals break laws and don’t give two craps about constitutionality. It’s mental health that is the issue. Not right or left. Not guns. Mental health. Until that’s addressed issues will still arise no matter the variable. Even if you did take guns.


Djinnwrath t1_j5qe7wl wrote

You need to learn English better


crankyape1534 t1_j5qh9aw wrote

Lol even if I do, doesn’t change my point which you can’t refute. Mental illness is the issue. It’s damaged hurt angry people acting out, and yes guns can be used by them to hurt people, but it’s not the guns killing people it’s the damaged people killing people. You want to pin it on guns. It wont change that mental health in America is slipping and people will still find ways to act out or do violence.