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Cheapskate-DM t1_j9yj13a wrote

Boobs that actually follow the stretch/curve of the body based on muscle and limb position? Witchcraft.

For real though, lovely work!


nomadic_hedgehog t1_j9ykxgb wrote

For real. How to tell this isn't drawn by a teenage boy: anatomical accuracy.

Great piece OP


blargney t1_j9zei3l wrote

It stood out to me too. Great detail on a great piece!


aSmallCanOfBeans t1_j9zrxza wrote

By commenting this you have voided your claim to superiority


Cheapskate-DM t1_j9zs4o6 wrote

I can only draw robots and dinosaurs, I have no such claim to make 🙃


MangaMaven t1_j9zf5tk wrote

Damn, I’d love to see a series of these.


GorgonsSong t1_ja1ht8g wrote

I love this so much. The colors especially! And the almost-symmetry making it both pleasingly even but broken up to keep it interesting. I'm also just a sucker for astral/celestial stuff, and this hits all the right notes. Augh <3


madmanxox251 OP t1_ja2a7y1 wrote

Thank you very much. That's also what I meant when I drew it asymmetrically, because symmetrical looks boring.


007of9 t1_ja1rdct wrote

I have a special sort of affinity for this card and its symbolism... as this is an art rather than a Tarot or occult sub, my comment may seem trivial... but the point of the Star card is to represent a choice after difficulties (card 16) are overcome. Thus the two vessels/vases are a key element, which you chose not to include. I'm wondering if you imagery is supposed to convey that message in a different way? Thx. The Star - Seventeen


madmanxox251 OP t1_ja29da5 wrote

I apologize for disappointing you, but when I draw these cards, I seem to forget what they mean and compose to my liking. Like the power of the card called the star, the star card in the hand is catching the polaris star to form the constellation ursa minor. I had previously referenced the original deck's meaning and image, but I wanted something new that wasn't related to the original deck. Thank you for reminding me about the card meaning. It's better an artwork than a tarot card.


007of9 t1_ja29hm7 wrote

Ya.. agreed... the art of the whole deck is what keeps me interested as well!


Mdragon45 t1_ja20mc6 wrote

Dunno why but my eyes went straight to the feet and the knees. Just my 2 cents. Great colors though


Brush_Monkey t1_j9zlpws wrote

I'm a simple man, I see titties, I hit like
