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Meringue_utan OP t1_j9jmqi7 wrote

Stripped down portrait of my first true love, Sherelyn Fenn (in my 15 year old mind).

Reference taken from video grab from Twin Peaks. So credit goes to Mr D Lynch for this shot composition and to Ms. Fenn for her unique look.

Charcoal brushes in Clip Studio Paint, Samsung S7+ tablet.


DEADPAN_GLAM t1_j9l85b9 wrote

Have a tattoo of her on my side/ribs, my favourite character, pure chaos and divilment.


w0lfbrains t1_j9llhpt wrote

she's a mega babe, and worth noting she was in a lot more media than just Twin Peaks


WomanOfEld t1_j9md9r2 wrote

Yeah, don't forget Dual Spires! Don't you just love cherry?

you know that's right


robodrew t1_j9lab9a wrote

Wait you did this on your phone? Nice!


Meringue_utan OP t1_j9lb1nw wrote

the S7+ is a 12.9' pro tablet. Much prefer the rubber tipped S pen to the hard nib of iPad.


robodrew t1_j9lcr9i wrote

Oh I see, I figured it was like my S9+


texican1911 t1_j9ma8sj wrote

Good job since I've never seen TP and knew it was Fenn right away.


Discopants-Dad t1_j9k1zfq wrote

Wow. I was watching Twin Peaks last fucking night. This is awesome work.


Lamont_III t1_j9l2ez1 wrote

Same, the timing is uncanny!


neverjustahat t1_j9l4ih6 wrote



KellyJoyCuntBunny t1_j9l6kk1 wrote

I’m so happy to see all these comments about people currently watching Twin Peaks! I didn’t know people were watching it :D

I’m old, so I watched it when it was on tv. Are you guys old fans like me, or young people watching it for the first time?


Meringue_utan OP t1_j9lbs0i wrote

I was 15 when TP came out in the UK. Old enough to be put under her spell. 32 years later, she's still got me.


KellyJoyCuntBunny t1_j9lckmt wrote

God yes.

My poor boyfriend, lol. Every time we watch, he has to listen to me talk about how incredibly beautiful she is. I just can’t look at her without marveling over how unreal she is.


Gl0riousGr0uch t1_j9lydbd wrote

I didn't catch it when I aired, but Amazon hooked it up. Possibly.aome of the BEST TV I've ever watched. Acting, scene comp and a compelling story.

I'm just happy it ended when it did.


KellyJoyCuntBunny t1_j9m0ytp wrote

Yeah, you know, I see the wisdom in the way some series are handled these days, where from the beginning they plan to have a limited amount of seasons. The idea that every tv show or series has to go on for as long as possible and that that’s the measure of success doesn’t really work for everything. Maybe Twin Peaks would’ve worked well with that kind of structure- like, “here’s the story we want to tell, and here’s how we’re going to structure it, and then it’ll be a complete thing.” I can see that.

Isn’t it grand, though‽ I agree- screen composition, compelling story, great characters, and just so perfectly itself. I’ve watched it an absurd amount of times.


neverjustahat t1_j9l9q4z wrote

Oh this is actually my second time through. The Alamo Drafthouse is showing Fire Walk With Me on the 24th this month and I was rewatching the series before going to see it! Super happy to see it on the big screen.


KellyJoyCuntBunny t1_j9lavld wrote

Oooh, that sounds really fun! I’m wildly jealous. That theater sounds really cool


neverjustahat t1_j9lkrmh wrote

Oh it is! Alamo plays new movies but it also does showings of old stuff all the time. Like a couple months ago I got to see the old Friday 13th in 3D. It was incredible. And the best part about the theater is, for most showings, there's a no talking policy. (I promise I'm not a shill for Alamo Drafthouse lol!) Yeah, but I haven't watched the new season of Twin Peaks yet, so after this I'm gonna give it a go. Have you watched The Return yet?


KellyJoyCuntBunny t1_j9lsv8o wrote

I was wondering if it was distracting in there! I wasn’t aware of the theater, so I had a quick google, and I noticed that they server food and have little tables and stuff. I noticed they say that you pass the waiter your order in a slip of paper, so I figured the rule was “no talking.” That’s really flippin cool!

There used to be a movie theater in Reno, when I lived there 30 years ago as a teenager (holy shit, I’m getting old, lol. I’ve never said “when I lived there 30 years ago” before😂) that had these great velvet loveseats, little cafe tables, and allowed drinking and smoking and food. I smoked at the time, so my friends and I were in heaven! We felt very sophisticated, lol

I have watched The Return! My man and I binged it when it first came out, and recently did a rewatch, spreading the episodes out over about a week. It’s different. Less lighthearted wonky Twin Peaksie stuff, I felt like. But I enjoyed it way more the second time through, once I didn’t have the expectations/assumptions that I went into it with the first time. I’d like to watch it again soon, actually.

You’re planning to watch it soonish? Do you have any ideas about what it’s like and what you expect from it?


neverjustahat t1_j9ltwlf wrote

Yeah I'm gonna start it right after the movie (this weekend) I was hoping for more of the same cuz I love Twin Peaks exactly how it is. I have heard from fans of the show that it holds up to the original but, yeah, have sort of avoided too many full critiques or descriptions of it cuz it had been a while since I watched the original and I wanted to do a rewatch before watching the return.


KellyJoyCuntBunny t1_j9lz6eh wrote

Hope I didn’t add to the list of stuff you don’t want to know before you can see for yourself! Sorry about that, if I did :/

I hope you enjoy it! I love Twin Peaks so much, and I’m always happy to see a reference to it out in the world. Isn’t this drawing OP did just lovely‽

Let me know, if you’re so inclined, how The Return goes for you and how your viewing of FWWM in that amazing theater is. :D


neverjustahat t1_j9ma4c1 wrote

No you didn't spoil it at all! Yeah I cant wait to watch! Will do!


tonyhasareddit t1_j9l87ta wrote

I was only about 4 or 5 when it first aired, but I was introduced to it when I was about 20, and I’ve watched it and FWWM at least once every couple years since.


KellyJoyCuntBunny t1_j9laek7 wrote

That’s so awesome.

What did you think of The Return?


tonyhasareddit t1_j9m12se wrote

I loved it! I was worried about how they would pull it off but I think it was really well done.


KellyJoyCuntBunny t1_j9m45bn wrote

I’m glad you liked it! It was well done, wasn’t it‽

I was a little offended by one aspect though. It’s completely unfair of David Lynch to hold up a mirror to his audience (me) and illustrate how undeniable aging is. If I have to see Bobby and Audrey as middle aged, what’s next?? I have to confront that I myself am rounder and less epidermically vibrant than I was 25 years ago?? It’s bullshit! 😠


phattdirty t1_j9lpfdb wrote

I'm in the middle of season 2 at the moment. First time watching it. I watched Fire Walk with Me last night too.


PM_ur_Rump t1_j9jz4tw wrote

Been watching Twin Peaks with my GF recently.

I can hear her song looking at this, great job!


DarthNarcissa t1_j9l2b85 wrote

I'm subbed to the Twin Peaks sub and I got confused for a second. Absolutely gorgeous!


Meringue_utan OP t1_j9ld5y6 wrote

Oops, yeah sorry about that! Someone sent me over there saying the sub would appreciate it.


tonyhasareddit t1_j9l80l5 wrote

You did a stellar job, because I honestly knew it was Audrey Horne before I even scrolled down enough to see her whole face. You captured her perfectly.


Meringue_utan OP t1_j9l9y36 wrote

Ah man, appreciate you kind works. It's all in her eyes, I spent a long time trying to find her mischievous look. cheers Tony .


ISHANS405 t1_j9k97rx wrote

She was soo beautiful during Twin Peaks phase, currently on season 2, but it kinda sucks, so many episodes 🥱


AphexTwins903 t1_j9knhyb wrote

The last 10 episodes beat the whole of season 1 imo. The climax is insane


banjomin t1_j9kqw6g wrote

I’d agree that the very last episode is gold, but I think the general consensus is that after the reveal and Lynch’s departure, the quality took a nose-dive and only pulled up for the finale.


AphexTwins903 t1_j9ksuwd wrote

Huh, i had no idea Lynch had left by that point. Maybe I'm in the minority who really enjoyed that season 2 arc then. It was a little cheesy at times with the beauty pagent and all, but i found Earle to be a sinister villain topping Frank Booth from Lynch's Blue Velvet. Far stranger and creepy with his overall plans.


BunnyBabe96 t1_j9kzt2w wrote

It’s not that theyre definitively bad, but they lose all the meta-narrative because David didnt like to explain it to anyone, and he was the only one on the staff at the time that understood how everything fit together. Without him the dream falls apart


Gekokapowco t1_j9l2vpk wrote

He seems like a fantastic visionary that's equally fantastically difficult to work with


Revenant_Imp t1_j9l47qq wrote

There is a huge lull in the middle when they didn’t let David Lynch do his thing, but it gets better. Definitely recommend watching Fire Walk With Me before starting season 3!


buhgunga t1_j9m38l3 wrote

Keep going. Season 3 is the best work Lynch has ever done (and he's done some amazing stuff)


neverjustahat t1_j9l4h22 wrote

This is gorgeous! Was just watching Twin Peaks last night and saying Audrey must be one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen and you captured that perfectly.


thewesmantooth t1_j9kb4au wrote

Looks like a young Sherilynn Fenn


omen316 t1_j9l9gou wrote

Boy does she look stupid in that hat.


terfez t1_j9leqae wrote

They were in a pictorial in Rolling Stone at the time.

My 10 year old me could not get past how hot both she and Madchen Amick were. I stared at them mesmerized


Meringue_utan OP t1_j9lj01a wrote

Ha, yeah! I'm with you - I could never make my mind up between the two. My adolescent brain had the choice apparently!


rhiannononon t1_j9kwtil wrote

I’m rewatching twin peaks and just watched these scene 😳


beDeadOrBeQuick t1_j9l40j5 wrote

I might have to reconsider finishing the series.


BlackBartRidesAgain t1_j9ls4t6 wrote

Now you have to do Shelly, Donna, and Laura 🤷🏻‍♂️


Cr3ationist88 t1_j9ls5wd wrote

You got that charisma to her eyes down beautifully. Bravo. Loved her in “Twin Peaks”.


OliverMcPeak t1_j9lsj5a wrote

Audrey Horne, absolutely stunning


malibu45 t1_j9m5art wrote

Just in time for Twin Peaks day tomorrow! Edit: sorry, it's Friday


chapstickgrrrl t1_j9m8vz1 wrote

Sherilynn Fenn. What a beautiful woman. And a beautiful drawing!


lapsedhuman t1_j9mcpyn wrote

I love her themes, 'Audrey's Dance' and 'Freshly Squeezed'.


Sithmaggot t1_j9mk2q2 wrote

I’ve never watched Twin Peaks. Is that Sherilyn Fenn?


Wayne1946 t1_j9lhsbn wrote

Don't understand the context but l can see and understand good work.Nice.


offmytinychest t1_j9m9okg wrote

you're going to have to watch Twin Peaks. Her character is ... pure chaos.


Wayne1946 t1_j9mb9y2 wrote

No TV ,don't understand new tech,just about navigate this phone, with help.l enjoy Reddit but have little interest in modern life so l cannot see myself viewing a series.l know it was on TV because it was mentioned in newspapers many years ago.l do not bother with newspapers either,l am blissfully ignorant of most things now.l realise we are in deep recession because l have to stretch my income a lot more.l have done my time 54 years of either 6 or 7 days working week,12 hours per day or more so modern life doesn't thrill me as it would a younger person.Good art and music still captivate me and a healthy but diminished zest for life keeps me on track.


offmytinychest t1_j9mc498 wrote

The series was made in the early 90s, so it's refreshingly old fashioned in some ways, with little tech. You might be able to purchase the DVD set, if you have a player or computer that can play DVDs. But keep your bliss!


Wayne1946 t1_j9mg4h1 wrote

Unfortunately a couple of new buy unopened DVD Players but no TV, computer l shy away from due to less tech,less headache mentality.Bliss when l am well is a aim achieved quite often( many interests) but most importantly l wish you the very best on life's journey and l hope it's happy, healthy and productive for you as you live your life.👍😊.


MrWendal t1_j9ly3im wrote

I guess I'm the only one who's like: "That's the actress from that awesome old TV show ... Rude Awakening!"


chaotic214 t1_j9lzvmo wrote

This is super gorgeous omg


justsayink_ t1_j9m0o5o wrote

beautiful piece. I struggle with backgrounds, and love this soft hazy look. May I ask how it was achieved?


Meringue_utan OP t1_j9m3r6y wrote

Hey, thank you. Do you mean the background of the piece? It's just a rough paper texture/image I found on a random texture site. I like to recreate a sketchbook look. Just the subject, little else.

I guess the soft hazy look was helped by the fact the reference is a grab from 90s quality video, so there's little definition.

I also tuned up the contrast on the reference to bring out the darks more, and lose details to shadow.

I spent a good chunk of time blocking in darks, blending a bit, then going back in with darks, the same way you do with real charcoal. So you get a mix of smokey effect, but with some definition.

Check out Jeff Haines demo videos. He uses this technique, block in, blend it right down, go back in.

I've learned everything I use in digital painting and drawing from traditional medium oil and charcoal tutorials. I don't use all the bells and whistles of the software. Just a couple of brushes, one layer, nice and simple. (I do use the liquify tool to fine tweak the super subtle details I'm the eyes etc)

Check out Lane Brown's demos too.


justsayink_ t1_j9mm9vm wrote

yes, i was referring to the rough paper texture, but the blending definitely ads to the effect. Thanks so much for your detailed reply


AngryWino t1_j9md3nc wrote

Kinda looks like Julianna Margulies too.


Wolfie359 t1_j9mg5tr wrote

I adore this love her for EVER!!!


Wolfie359 t1_j9mg7mh wrote

Her theme song is my ringtone


Jadty t1_j9mi1f6 wrote

Time for some coffee and cherry pie.


abcadaba t1_j9miy7z wrote

Your user name is amazing, as is the artwork.


XTERMNATR t1_j9miyzp wrote

Watch Two Moon Junction…. you’re welcome


blakenator1 t1_j9mk03g wrote

Who is this beautiful Bbgrl


New_girl2022 t1_j9mppcw wrote

I loved her character in twin peaks. Always craving for attention was the trope she followed. She in a sence represents how her dad was too focused on his work and taking advantage of people to truly enjoy life. She represents the joy of life craving for attention.

Also that is very well done whoever drew it.


frupp110 t1_j9mv3at wrote

I see a lot of art on Reddit and it’s all very “predictably” good, if that makes sense. But, I have to say as a former artist, your depiction here is perfect. It’s an effortless reflection of a memory. She exists in the wind. Gorgeous.


Meringue_utan OP t1_j9noxat wrote

Wow, these words are seriously inspiring and motivating, thank you, I appreciate it. I'm forty seven and only started drawing seriously two years ago to keep me sane over lockdown.


PocketSizedAutumn t1_j9n6puh wrote

gettting traditional texture and look digitally is super impressive


quickonthedraw_art t1_j9nlmee wrote

Amazing for a digital piece. Looks straight up like it's done in charcoal. 🔥🔥🔥


AnonismsPlight t1_j9nxexe wrote

Just watched the twin peaks episode of Psych earlier and I loved her role...


hisokafan88 t1_j9nyh22 wrote

Sherilyn fenn really is stunning. Thank you for this!


niptoe t1_j9k5xb3 wrote

reminds me of Alexandra Daddario a little


Meringue_utan OP t1_j9k6iot wrote

I get that, she's like the Sherilyn Fenn of the 2020's


StekenDeluxe t1_j9l442z wrote

Would KILL to see Daddario in a Lynch-directed movie, series - anything really...!


master_criskywalker t1_j9l6fd6 wrote

Well, she was in True Detective that has similar vibes. Smoking hot there!


StekenDeluxe t1_j9l83dx wrote

Strongly disliked that show, actually, but yeah she was certainly very beautiful in it.


stinkyfatman2016 t1_j9l6uvc wrote

Just idle curiosity but do women who have eyebrows like this have them shaped like that? Is it a thing?


Earl_of_69 t1_j9mly7u wrote

I thought we weren’t supposed to do fanart.


Meringue_utan OP t1_j9nmrye wrote

Honestly, that wasn''t my intention with this. Your point is fair, at the same time the actress had this look for quite a while, and looked just like this in shoots/interviews at the time. If you check my many portrait posts I've never done a single piece of fan art. I just wanted a reference with a 50's look and remembered how much she resonated. Your carving is exquisite btw..


Spwd t1_j9pq2x3 wrote

What do you use? That's fantastic by the way.


Meringue_utan OP t1_j9ql38w wrote

Thanks. Clip studio paint, just one or two charcoal brushes. Samsung S7+ tablet.


Spwd t1_j9r9y6m wrote

I've got procreate on my ipad but I'm useless. I can't even copy a drawing never mind do one from scratch.


Meringue_utan OP t1_j9tmhbc wrote

Perfection is the enemy of mastery. Just learn one thing at a time. Start with proportions. Move on to light and dark. You should be able to create a semi-recognisable portrait with next to no details. Only when you've got to that stage do you move into any detailing at all.

You'll learn a lot more doing lots of fast exercises, than trying to create a master piece. Finish sooner, and you'll accelerate faster


couchbutt t1_j9nl4lo wrote

Doesn't anyone paint anymore?
