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neverjustahat t1_j9l9q4z wrote

Oh this is actually my second time through. The Alamo Drafthouse is showing Fire Walk With Me on the 24th this month and I was rewatching the series before going to see it! Super happy to see it on the big screen.


KellyJoyCuntBunny t1_j9lavld wrote

Oooh, that sounds really fun! I’m wildly jealous. That theater sounds really cool


neverjustahat t1_j9lkrmh wrote

Oh it is! Alamo plays new movies but it also does showings of old stuff all the time. Like a couple months ago I got to see the old Friday 13th in 3D. It was incredible. And the best part about the theater is, for most showings, there's a no talking policy. (I promise I'm not a shill for Alamo Drafthouse lol!) Yeah, but I haven't watched the new season of Twin Peaks yet, so after this I'm gonna give it a go. Have you watched The Return yet?


KellyJoyCuntBunny t1_j9lsv8o wrote

I was wondering if it was distracting in there! I wasn’t aware of the theater, so I had a quick google, and I noticed that they server food and have little tables and stuff. I noticed they say that you pass the waiter your order in a slip of paper, so I figured the rule was “no talking.” That’s really flippin cool!

There used to be a movie theater in Reno, when I lived there 30 years ago as a teenager (holy shit, I’m getting old, lol. I’ve never said “when I lived there 30 years ago” before😂) that had these great velvet loveseats, little cafe tables, and allowed drinking and smoking and food. I smoked at the time, so my friends and I were in heaven! We felt very sophisticated, lol

I have watched The Return! My man and I binged it when it first came out, and recently did a rewatch, spreading the episodes out over about a week. It’s different. Less lighthearted wonky Twin Peaksie stuff, I felt like. But I enjoyed it way more the second time through, once I didn’t have the expectations/assumptions that I went into it with the first time. I’d like to watch it again soon, actually.

You’re planning to watch it soonish? Do you have any ideas about what it’s like and what you expect from it?


neverjustahat t1_j9ltwlf wrote

Yeah I'm gonna start it right after the movie (this weekend) I was hoping for more of the same cuz I love Twin Peaks exactly how it is. I have heard from fans of the show that it holds up to the original but, yeah, have sort of avoided too many full critiques or descriptions of it cuz it had been a while since I watched the original and I wanted to do a rewatch before watching the return.


KellyJoyCuntBunny t1_j9lz6eh wrote

Hope I didn’t add to the list of stuff you don’t want to know before you can see for yourself! Sorry about that, if I did :/

I hope you enjoy it! I love Twin Peaks so much, and I’m always happy to see a reference to it out in the world. Isn’t this drawing OP did just lovely‽

Let me know, if you’re so inclined, how The Return goes for you and how your viewing of FWWM in that amazing theater is. :D


neverjustahat t1_j9ma4c1 wrote

No you didn't spoil it at all! Yeah I cant wait to watch! Will do!