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VulcanVisions t1_iujhaj6 wrote

Ride buses to the end of the line and back just for fun.


Pouchkine2 t1_iujx7wo wrote

Depending on the line, I can see it. I've done it.


VulcanVisions t1_iujxc05 wrote

It is inspiring to know there are other people out there on pointless journeys like myself. Thank you for this.


Pouchkine2 t1_iujxxfa wrote

There's something soothing about travelling in a bus or a train. You have time for yourself, you can observe, think.


VulcanVisions t1_iukbi4x wrote

Yes, I can tell you truly get it. I am happy to have met a fellow traveller of pointless journeys.


Pouchkine2 t1_iukbssi wrote

The journey is the point. It's also chilling to end up in these recluse urban places at the outskirts of the city. Some kind of dystopian futuristic feeling.


ipakookapi t1_iujp4gb wrote

I hate buses when I have to go somewhere every day, but you mean more like local sight-seeing, right?


VulcanVisions t1_iujtb8t wrote

Not sight-seeing, but not commuting to work either. I mean literally just riding the bus because I enjoy riding on a bus.


yeahyeahbird t1_iujgqci wrote

separate silverware in the dish washing machine. Knives in the back, forks in the middle, spoons up front.


ipakookapi t1_iujpalc wrote

I thought vampires were allergic to silver?


yeahyeahbird t1_iujq4xu wrote

Eh, it's not that bad. Keep on the Zyrtec and you would hardly notice. Werewolves though, they hate it


ipakookapi t1_iujq9yt wrote

Good to know if I ever have either over for dinner.

I promise there will be no peas.


[deleted] t1_iujk3dq wrote

I like tripping on mushrooms every now and then.


ShadyWestHaze t1_iujnsrg wrote

Really think so? I kinda think tripping in general has become quite popular.


ipakookapi t1_iujpj41 wrote

It is quite fun, but it's best to pick a day when it hasn't rained for a bit. Cleaning wet moss out of your hair isn't easy.


LaambChopss t1_iujjbgr wrote

The sniff after a crotch grab.


because_of_ghosts t1_iujjzvx wrote

Pepsi and milk.

OR peanut butter pickle sandwiches.

OR the fact that I write letters with a typewriter, like a poor man’s Tom Hanks. My friends think this is the weirdest thing about me.


Pouchkine2 t1_iujxhjp wrote

Wow, wow, wow, wow... You drink PEPSI WITH MILK, and you friends think typing with a typewriter is weird ? I'm inclined to think your friends are even weirder than your unholy beverage.


because_of_ghosts t1_iujxoox wrote

I think they find my exclusive use of it for written correspondence weirder than anything. The Pepsi and milk is probably the least weird, and saw some popularity in the late 80’s and 90’s.


Pouchkine2 t1_iujyele wrote

Typing with a typewriter is freaking cool. I think that nowadays the simple writing of letters can be considered weirder than using a typewriter at all hahaha.


because_of_ghosts t1_iujyi5b wrote

That’s fair haha. No matter how weird though, I’m always gonna be a letter writer.


Sweet-Coconut-4627 t1_iujm8vf wrote

watching the same old videos several times a week that I've seen 20 times already


ipakookapi t1_iujoroc wrote

Go see a movie by myself.

Not much lately, for obvious pestilent reasons, but I used to go see something about every third month.

Never understood why people thought it was weird and scary. If I can read a book by myself, why can't i go to the cinema?