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yeahyeahbird t1_iujgqci wrote

separate silverware in the dish washing machine. Knives in the back, forks in the middle, spoons up front.


VulcanVisions t1_iujhaj6 wrote

Ride buses to the end of the line and back just for fun.


because_of_ghosts t1_iujjzvx wrote

Pepsi and milk.

OR peanut butter pickle sandwiches.

OR the fact that I write letters with a typewriter, like a poor man’s Tom Hanks. My friends think this is the weirdest thing about me.


[deleted] t1_iujk3dq wrote

I like tripping on mushrooms every now and then.


Sweet-Coconut-4627 t1_iujm8vf wrote

watching the same old videos several times a week that I've seen 20 times already


ipakookapi t1_iujoroc wrote

Go see a movie by myself.

Not much lately, for obvious pestilent reasons, but I used to go see something about every third month.

Never understood why people thought it was weird and scary. If I can read a book by myself, why can't i go to the cinema?


because_of_ghosts t1_iujxoox wrote

I think they find my exclusive use of it for written correspondence weirder than anything. The Pepsi and milk is probably the least weird, and saw some popularity in the late 80’s and 90’s.