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We1tfunk t1_iuk24d9 wrote

People who overuse Myers-Briggs. I've had a few. Generally turns me off because it feels like you're trying to adapt to some stereotype, or cast others in stereotypes. Like you can predict who I am just based on what personality type I get. Never really cared for that.

People are way deeper than some 4 letter designation.

Also being poly-friendly has earned me a good number of "fuck you, you cheating bastard" responses. I mean, poly stuff might not be everyone's jam, but it works for me AND I've been with my current SO for 10 years and we've been poly the whole way, so I mean...don't yuck another person's yum, maybe?


ipakookapi t1_iuk2ubd wrote

Myers Briggs is garbage and about as useful as horoscopes.

And sorry about the rude assholes you have had to deal with. Also poly. The answer to 'I just have to ask' is 'No, you don' t'.


PseudoY t1_iuk5mkf wrote

Ugh, such a INTP post.

/s - shouldn't have to be said, but it does.