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kirixen t1_iukahkb wrote

My parents loved me enough to not mutilate my genitalia for the sake of Bronze Age tribal god imagery.


EarAny1308 t1_iukadz1 wrote

Every now and then it’ll fall off and we have to put it under our pillow so the foreskin fairy will reattach it


Choice_Habit5259 t1_iukbidm wrote

The tip coming out can feel a bit weird and uncomfortable but also fun.

Also it takes like 2 seconds to clean. It never gets in the way.


BAGGALAKKA t1_iukbkvy wrote

We dont need lotion when squeezing the hog


[deleted] t1_iukaqr5 wrote

Retracting it every time I pee, frenulum stimulation, can’t really think of anything else