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Can-ta-loupe t1_iuk15d6 wrote

The sex propagandist. Asks about sex, mentions sex and otherwise implies existence of sex.


AwwLivSos t1_iuk18xw wrote

The ones that just type one word and somehow get thousands of upvotes. Bonus if it's a chain of single word comments


TheRadiumGirl t1_iuk1jdu wrote

I commented "No" one time to a question posted. Didn't elaborate or anything. More than 7k upvotes. That's why I don't understand why people take karma so seriously.


universeforinfinity3 OP t1_iuk1chi wrote

For me, it would probably be people who act like contrarians, though that can also be applied to real life also.


odd_enchilada t1_iuk4vjs wrote

wHaT's ThE mOsT aNnOyInG tYpE oF rEdDiToR?