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Chipdip88 t1_iuk8qr9 wrote

Hire a financial advisor, after blowing about 12 thousand on a nice vacation


Axva13 t1_iukac7y wrote

Sit tight anonymously while hiring financial advisors, lawyers.

Donate to numerous animal rescue charities so they wouldn’t have go to social media to ask for money when a sick rescue needs to go to the really set them up financially, sponsor a spay/neuter program.

I have no family so I’d give some money to my son’s dad (he’s a great dad, deserves it).

Set up some sort of foundation where I can help people financially on a more personal ever watch the news and think, “dang, I wish I could help that family out”. I’d want to be that person.

But a nicer house. Buy some homes in other countries.

Buy a Subaru Outback.

Go on some amazing vacations.

Buy a Birkin.


FriendshipSeveral511 OP t1_iukaubb wrote

Why would you need a lawyer rather than just a financial advisor? Unless you were writing a will or a prenup?


GermanPayroll t1_iukb2zq wrote

It’s likely you’d put the money into some sort of a formal legal arrangement like a trust, and a lawyer can be useful for that. but even if you didn’t, good to have someone read over legal docs and arrangements like wills, etc. that you’d inevitably set up.


Axva13 t1_iukbcy5 wrote

No idea, just covering the bases, have one on retainer, I’m rich after all! I would guess if you are giving millions away having some sort of contract wouldn’t be a bad money, no problems!


ImANuckleChut t1_iuk9yw4 wrote

Pay off my mortgage and build a new house. Put most of it into 401(k), invest some into the stock market, put some away in trust funds. Build a dry bar pool hall and a youth center.


MaturasPL t1_iukaq10 wrote

Blow 50M on a nice house, car and some expensive stuff. Split the remaining 800M into 4 parts:

  • 200M for general savings and safety money, allocated in gold, silver and cash in multiple currencies
  • 200M for low risk investments that pay regular dividends - real estate, stocks in "value-type" companies, bonds
  • 200M for high risk investments - stocks in "growth-type" companies, cryptocurrencies, maybe a bit of startup investments
  • 200M for investment in my own indie game studio, this budget would be sufficient for several big projects

As my wealth increases further, lead a life rich in experiences, build a strong family, educate my children on how to handle such a fortune (and also how to live without it), develop a few business projects, do some philatropy and well-thought charity (like scholarships for gifted children from poor families and underdeveloped countries).


0123wm t1_iukavva wrote

Anonymously change people's lives.


JamesonTheWise t1_iuk8y5b wrote

Have a massive splurge day with the wife, then hire someone to handle investments and such


Krallking t1_iuk9gl3 wrote

Buy 850 million lottery tickets


Ether-man t1_iuk9hl1 wrote

Buy a house for myself and my siblings and also make my parents retire


GrowVirginia t1_iukaxav wrote

Buy a few houses. Buy a few cars. Then just travel and see all the people and things in have always said I would like to see.