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Apart_Park_7176 t1_iuk1bc6 wrote

The bullet Stanislav Petrov saved us from.

Or the one Vasily Arkhipov saved us from.


SausageDogsMomma t1_iuk1lpy wrote

Came here to say this. Arkhipov & Petrov should be known by everyone as they literally saved the world.


Apart_Park_7176 t1_iuk1xls wrote

I agree. Especially Petrov. Because he used his judgement and thought it was a flase alarm and even if it wasn't. What good would taking more innocent lives accomplish.


SausageDogsMomma t1_iukb7zq wrote

It was apparently the sun reflecting on their radar that looked like ICBM’s had been launched. With Vasily Arkhipov, it was depth charges dropped by their submarine, 2 others had agreed to a nuclear launch, and as 3 approvals were required for launch Arkhipov refused. These guys should both get a day were we all celebrate them.