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data_now t1_iuk145n wrote

A second term for Donald Trump.


DeltaSolana t1_iuk18qp wrote

The USSR decided to take the missiles out of Cuba.

We were seriously a single button press from the end of the world.


Apart_Park_7176 t1_iuk1bc6 wrote

The bullet Stanislav Petrov saved us from.

Or the one Vasily Arkhipov saved us from.


Fnatlaf t1_iuk22ay wrote

The Chicxulub impactor. Luckily we weren’t yet there when it rammed into earth.


Drdark65 t1_iuk2d1j wrote

In 1983, a soviet base got a false alarm about Nuclear War, and got ready to launch. But for a nuclear launch, both the highest ranking officers had to agree to launch, and if there was another high-ranked officer on visit, he would have to agree too. So when this situation happened, Stanislav Yevgrafovich Petrov, a Leutenant Colonel was on inspection, and so he had to agree to the launch. While the other two Officers voted to launch, Stanislav thought it was a false alarm and reasoned that even if it was real the countless other Nukes launched from the USSR would be more than enough. So they didn't launch a nuke. If they had, Nuclear war would have started, and humanity would most likely be wiped out

Vasily Arkhipov did a very similar thing, but I don't know enough about him


soIstartBlasting t1_iuk2idz wrote

Hitler not pushing further into Britain when it was all but his to take.

My guess is he wouldn’t have just stopped at the edge of the Atlantic and called it good.


SausageDogsMomma t1_iukb7zq wrote

It was apparently the sun reflecting on their radar that looked like ICBM’s had been launched. With Vasily Arkhipov, it was depth charges dropped by their submarine, 2 others had agreed to a nuclear launch, and as 3 approvals were required for launch Arkhipov refused. These guys should both get a day were we all celebrate them.