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yeahyeahbird t1_iujz337 wrote

The amount of wasted budget is ridiculous. My boss was on a conference call about it once and the numbers were staggering. They had to get tablets for all the employees, purchase the app that closest fit what we were doing, but it wasn't really what we needed at all so we had to pay developers to adjust it and IT guys to tweak it and work with the people using it to relay information back to the people who could "improve" it and it was implemented without any kind of trial period or testing.

It set us back months and the cost was in the millions by the time it was usable, and even then, it was slower and more basic and less detailed, so nobody had enough information to be helpful at all when you had to look at it.

All this was to generate information that had to be printed and mailed out, when a box of ballpoint pens could have filled out the same paperwork.