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External-Menu-2575 t1_jegt9xq wrote

Lack of affordable housing and livable wages. We need systemic change.


throwawayfjabfhw t1_jegtb4g wrote

Not having access to housing, and it can be solved by increasing access to housing


andoy t1_jegu9c0 wrote

i see at least 2 cases. first, those who fall in difficult circumstances. second, a bit of first and some underlying mental issue. for the first, some have jobs so you just need to provide subsidized housing. some has no work, for those cases need to provide work and housing. for those who fall in 2nd case, they need to be put in care houses so that there will be people to take care of them unless if they are still functional and just need a bit of rehab or something.


Tpmcg t1_jeguu0p wrote

meth and fentanyl. period.


androidbear04 t1_jegw4h2 wrote

Mental Health and/or substance use problems combined with a stubborn independence where the person wants to be their own self and their ego is threatened if they ask for help. The latter because a number of homeless people LIKE not living under a roof because it's fewer rules that you get with a landlord, etc.


capitol_acceptance t1_jeh0j1j wrote

I can tell you how I ended up homeless and it has nothing to do with drugs or mental illness. I worked at my job. I went in everyday and I was never late. I worked 18-hour shifts sometimes because that was what was demanded of me. After a couple years on the job I had a severe injury and the injury ended up causing me to be instantly disabled. I was immediately fired after filing a worker's comp claim. Yes this is illegal and no the government doesn't give a shit. I tried to fight my company in court but they hired the best lawyers and I ended up not getting a penny for my medical and not getting any money for my time out of work and I could not work after that for years and that's how I ended up homeless.