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JessiePeteWhite t1_jeh03qu wrote

You don’t really even need a degree for something like that, I got into a developer role without a relevant degree. But you could go for a computer science degree and just specialise in cybersecurity


ajay_suku t1_jegzzpl wrote

Buisness Administration


bigpandas t1_jeh0b0c wrote

"high paying"


ajay_suku t1_jeh0gfw wrote

I meant MBA


bigpandas t1_jeh0u4m wrote

That's still only a degree that most people earn slightly above-average salaries with, from what I've seen. I've worked with quite a few MBAs who earn $80,000-$100,000 per year in a high cost of living area. It's still better than no master's degree at all though. I actually know an MBA who couldn't land a job during Covid so he went to community college for a certificate in cybersecurity.


AdmiralBofa t1_jeh0jhc wrote

I figure robotics. All of these AIs are going to need bodies to carry out their plans (which I'm sure are nothing to worry about).


redheadalmostdead t1_jeh58xu wrote

There are a lot of jobs that can be high paying that you can learn at a trade school.