HawaiianShirtsOR t1_jegyz5j wrote
That truly looks like a fun hobby.
KemesMill t1_jegrog0 wrote
People who have an independent country
Swoops0410 t1_jegrrh2 wrote
People with good mental stability
mendelbulldog t1_jegxv8e wrote
and people who are able to sleep when they want to
Blitzvolt t1_jegsak9 wrote
I dont envy anyone, Im content with my own life.
Berckish t1_jegsuv5 wrote
Jellyfish or galactic dust clouds. Being a weird gelatinous blob with no bones sounds really heckin' cool, and so does being a giant cloud of space dust.
People are boring, I don't want to be a people anymore!
TheBigMerc t1_jegttjx wrote
People who can walk around all happy n shit.
very_happy_bookworm t1_jegwski wrote
Extremely outgoing and charismatic people
Outrageous_Cod_8141 t1_jegykqu wrote
People that got there life figured out.
HawaiianShirtsOR t1_jegyvbc wrote
People whose spouse does his or her fair share of the household responsibilities.
lethalload t1_jeh4ki7 wrote
skinny people/people at a healthy weight.
Positive_Garage4130 t1_jegrss4 wrote
I don't envy anyone. I'm content with my own blessings.
RetroactiveRecursion t1_jegukxd wrote
Improv comedians