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okay_victory_yes t1_jegp09c wrote

He's a piece of shit, but there's no justice in this world.


IDontMean2B t1_jegt91h wrote

Yes there is justice, what are you talking about?


okay_victory_yes t1_jegus07 wrote

If this piece of shit walks free, that's yet another example to the contrary.


oklmaogs t1_jegx36i wrote

Cry harder


okay_victory_yes t1_jegx8wd wrote

Get better heroes.


oklmaogs t1_jegxo2w wrote

Lol you're a member of r/whitepeopletwitter. You're bottom of the barrel trash.


okay_victory_yes t1_jegxugh wrote

I'm not. But even if I were, that's better than idolizing a rapist and human trafficker.


oklmaogs t1_jegy591 wrote

You are. You think everything is racist, sexist, homophobic and anyone who disagrees with you is a facist, nazi, misogynist bigot.

I can only imagine how you look like in real life. Pathetic, frail or morbidly obese. Exactly the type of people that would hate a guy thats telling people to workout everyday.


okay_victory_yes t1_jegy8jh wrote

Your tiktok daddy is a groomer. Cope.


oklmaogs t1_jegz4mb wrote

You have evidence for that?


okay_victory_yes t1_jegzanb wrote

Fuck you, that's my evidence.


oklmaogs t1_jeh0h0m wrote

Honestly, I don't blame you for the way you've embarrassingly turned out. I blame your parents for not raising you. What a terrible job they've done.


GiantRobotTRex t1_jegpclh wrote

Justice will come after the trial. He's still on house arrest awaiting trial.


S1mpl3Guy t1_jegtj2z wrote

Do you really think they would let go a real sex trafficker on a house arrest?


GiantRobotTRex t1_jegu78a wrote

Yes, because the case hasn't actually gone to trial yet. This is analogous to being let out on bond. It is not a matter of guilt or innocence.


S1mpl3Guy t1_jegug20 wrote

When is the trial date?


GiantRobotTRex t1_jeguoce wrote

When is going to be free to go?


S1mpl3Guy t1_jeguz44 wrote

At least there is progress on that one. Of course the accusers dont have to show evidence to the public until the trial so there's that. But I also think if they had gathered enough evidence they they would have had a trial date already.


GiantRobotTRex t1_jegvor9 wrote

Or they have enough evidence on some charges but they're still collecting evidence on other charges.

Why is he on house arrest instead of free to go?


S1mpl3Guy t1_jegw02v wrote

Frankly I don't know, I'm just a dude making observations. Your point is definitely valid, I think only time will tell.