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JessiePeteWhite t1_jegp0bz wrote

I am the opposite of a tate fan but it was clear that they were just looking for something and couldn’t find it. Now comes the annoying times of “the powers that be tried to lock me away, they tried to silence me and blah blah blah”. The Incels are going to become 10x more annoying


S1mpl3Guy t1_jegtfo8 wrote

I think being locked up for 3 months without any evidence whatsover would give him the right to complain all he wants.


JessiePeteWhite t1_jegu2qx wrote

There’s a difference between complaining and claiming that there is some big conspiracy with higher powers on earth trying to silence him because he thinks he has some poignant message, which he doesn’t


S1mpl3Guy t1_jeguq9r wrote

This is the internet, we have people claiming that the Earth is flat or that Moon landing is fake. Having another person believing into Illuminati is nothing new.


JessiePeteWhite t1_jegwz78 wrote

Doesn’t make his supposed message any more valid though does it


S1mpl3Guy t1_jegyfku wrote

What we consider valid may not be considered valid by other people and vice versa. Doesnt mean we have the right to silence the message. I say let him say whatever he is saying, if he's message is truly not valid then nobody will be listening to him anyway. Trying to silence by cancellation or prison will only make him more popular.


JessiePeteWhite t1_jegzg3p wrote

That isn’t necessarily true, especially if when you look at his case, his messaged is geared more towards frustrated young men where he is claiming to have the answers to all of their problems but his answers are extremely toxic. I’m not saying we should silence people but claiming that if their message isn’t valid then no one will listen is not right


Assbait93 t1_jegshs5 wrote

He’s on house arrest so it’s not like they didn’t find anything. There is also evidence that he confessed to online and so on. It just that he hasn’t been tried yet.