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Lily_of_the_deep t1_jeh1ny0 wrote

Choose the right family. You could be a billionaire baby.


HUSband-Music-BJB t1_jeh1f3g wrote

How young?


Forward_Ad_8956 t1_jeh1hro wrote



bookduck9 t1_jeh1mcy wrote

Babysitting investing and stuff around neighborhoods


HUSband-Music-BJB t1_jeh1yo6 wrote

With no formal training or certifications I’d say go to a local tech school and learn how to weld. I know kids who starting making a bunch of money after only a year or two of vocational school welding.

If you don’t go that route, start off at fast food, local retail store, basically anything to start building a resume. Stick the jobs out for a while to build up some skills and eventually you can get better and better jobs. Some kids I went to high school with worked at Wendy’s and kept working there, working their way up the ladder so to speak. Now they each own their own franchise and are working on getting more.


Ok-Resident5270 t1_jeh1gp2 wrote

Invest in yourself- gain knowledge & skills to create value for others so they'll pay for it.


frenix5 t1_jeh1hqc wrote

Golf, stocks, neighborhood work


Altaccount9998 t1_jeh1k6t wrote

Get a volunteering job with tips, odd jobs, or lots of chores


Forward_Ad_8956 t1_jeh1knb wrote

Age 18 about to turn 19 out of highschool. For more info.


Thin-Rip-3686 t1_jeh4fkk wrote

Become a pilot. Huge looming shortage. Six figures in a few short years. Only goes up from there.


fuckin69er t1_jeh1lkk wrote

Ummm, sellin' lemonade stands? Cause it's kinda like squeezing money outta lemons!


syd0057 t1_jeh1xbu wrote

If youre introverted and are good in arts, art commissions are the only thing i can think of. Sitting isnt much of a thing where im from


AdmiralBofa t1_jeh227b wrote

Hustle for yard work. Kids as young as 5 can help harvest citrus fruit. Kids as young as 9 or 10 can be in charge of selling the service, making appointments and handling the money.


Forward_Ad_8956 t1_jeh26k0 wrote

I’m about to be 19


AdmiralBofa t1_jeh4nnv wrote

OK, keep the "hustle," but skip the yard work. If cashflow is your goal, focus on any special marketable education or skills you have. Graphic design? Programming?

If you don't have any particular educational or professional background, I'd recommend sales. If you're good at that, you can always make money. Car lots are almost always hiring sales people. The sales world is pretty aggressive and very much "I don't care what you did last month, how have you made me money lately?" But if you can handle it and be as aggressive as they are, there's a lot of up-side.


spook7886 t1_jeh3utq wrote

"Don't buy drugs! Become a rock star, and they'll give you them for free!"


spook7886 t1_jeh3xoz wrote

If you can code, your future is made.