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[deleted] t1_jegez85 wrote

The bulk of bad breath comes from the tongue being dirty. If you’re really flossing and brushing your teeth well, then brush tf out of that tongue until it’s nice and pink again. Use some mouth wash too. Other reasons could be tonsil stones or your diet, or if you’re a smoker that could be a reason as well.


Julianishere1 OP t1_jegfssv wrote

No, I don’t smoke at all. And I scrape my tongue everyday.


[deleted] t1_jeggauu wrote

Hmm, do you have an old toothbrush by chance? Possibly you need a change in diet, or you have dry mouth? If not then maybe an appointment at your dentist is due to check what’s causing it


Julianishere1 OP t1_jeggnwg wrote

I change my brush all the time too.. going to the dentist doesn’t seem to help as they are giving no solution to help with my bb.


ireallydontlol t1_jegfg8p wrote

First, the obvious: brush your teeth, floss, and use mouthwash first thing in the morning and before bed. Now, the not so obvious: Buy a tongue scraper, add that to the routine, and make sure you use it all the way at the back of your tongue, too. If you still have your tonsils, you may also have tonsil stones. You can find many videos on how to remove them. I didn't start getting tonsil stones until recently, and I hate them. If there's no improvement, I would try to make a dentist appointment to see if you might be dealing with cavities or not cleaning well enough.


Julianishere1 OP t1_jegfqmi wrote

Hello, I already have all of this in my routine and nothing helps. I’m just so tired.


ireallydontlol t1_jeggi0r wrote

Well according to Dr. Google, you could have underlying health conditions that could be causing it as well. Dry mouth, liver or kidney disease, autoimmune disorder, etc.


Julianishere1 OP t1_jeggs5c wrote

Ya I went to my doctor and got blood work done.. I will have to really dig deeper into this.


Elysian83 t1_jege66p wrote

Chlorophyll tabs/drops

ETA : I use this for hunting and it literally kills all scents of the body


vfionotworkhelp t1_jegeofm wrote

mate let me tell you tescos mint mouth wash saved my marriage. I drink it diluted with water and never had any complaints since


ixamnis t1_jegfj7y wrote

Floss daily. Brush daily. Visit the dentist every 6 months.

Honestly, flossing makes a huge difference.


Julianishere1 OP t1_jegg8p8 wrote

Hi, I floss everyday. I use a lot of products that claim to tackle bb but I have had no improvements.


WeirdExtravaganza_1 t1_jegfyqq wrote

Check to see if you have underlying gastrointestinal issues. You may have acid reflux or GERD!


Julianishere1 OP t1_jeggcch wrote

Yes I think this will have to be the next step. I wonder what is meds or what solution is given to tackled gerd issues.


WeirdExtravaganza_1 t1_jegjkih wrote

I wanna ask, do you drink coffee?? If so, maybe try drinking tea for a week and see if you see any differences. If you go to the doc, they’ll prolly recommend an acid reducer of some kind. But def schedule a visit with your doctor first to see if that is even what’s going on! Other tips, eat smaller portions, drink water, etc. I hope you find relief soon!


Julianishere1 OP t1_jegtccx wrote

I don’t drink coffee or caffeine.. I try to drink water but I just can’t seem to drink much.


TemporaryThink9300 t1_jegr07h wrote

Yogurt. And som Google things to read..

Yogurt, besides being an excellent source of Calcium, is a great source of reducing bad breath. The reason for this is that yogurt is considered quite helpful in reducing the levels of Hydrogen Sulfide stored in different parts of our mouth. Hydrogen Sulfide causes bad breath.

Exposure to hydrogen sulfide gas can occur in the home and in the workplace. In the home, exposure may occur because of faulty plumbing. Sewer drains that have dry traps can allow hydrogen sulfide gas to enter the home.


Nolann56789 t1_jegm512 wrote

Use a tongue scraper: Use a tongue scraper to remove bacteria and food residue that may be on your tongue.


MagnificientK t1_jegdwvk wrote

Stop breathing


Julianishere1 OP t1_jege7mh wrote

Ya I do wish I could end it all.


MagnificientK t1_jegef7x wrote

Ayo I was just kidding


Julianishere1 OP t1_jegfjao wrote

I know but I’m not bro. I’m tired of this shit. Nothing I do helps.


MagnificientK t1_jegk5tq wrote

Man I don't know anything about your problems and what you are going through but best of luck, I know it won't help but still don't give up