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ttermayhem t1_jegymx1 wrote

Make my bed. The smallest sense of accomplishment and order can derail a bad day.


OMAD2023 t1_jegyl20 wrote

At least it's Friday


Lily_of_the_deep t1_jegypcc wrote

Stretch, yawn happily and say “I slept so good. It's going to be a great day.” Basically fake it till you make it.


Tall_Mickey t1_jegysnd wrote

Sing. As it turns out, your vagus nerve -- the main wiring conduit between brain and body -- can get in a snit and make you feel like hell emotionally.

But it likes vibration. All that Buddhist OM chanting begins to make sense. So sing, chant, recite, hum, intone, whatever. Just be resonant and make that vagus vibrate. A couple of minutes makes a noticeable difference. Longer works even better.


JMAC2020_ OP t1_jegzwjf wrote

This is what I do too!! Never made the connections to chants as well, that’s so cool.


Tall_Mickey t1_jeh0wcw wrote

Great! Just want to mention that I misspelled the nerve name the first time. It's the "vagus" nerve, not the "vague nerve." :-)


SnooEpiphanies2846 t1_jegzkb1 wrote

Do things I'd do if it were a good day. For example, a good day i might want to make a nice big fancy breakfast, so I do and enjoy it and it makes me feel nice. On a bad day, I might not want to cook the breakfast, but I will enjoy eating it and my brain knows it's a "good day" thing so afterwords I usually feel much better


PalaPK t1_jeh1w42 wrote

Remind myself that I owe the bank a half a million dollars.