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SheLikesSoup t1_jeg48b1 wrote

I thought alot more people here spoke french.

I was so wrong


KnudsonRegime t1_jeg4nfa wrote

Violence. Drug abuse. Fundamentalist Christianity. States rights as the cause of the Civil War. Obesity.


WholesomeSun t1_jeg4pdz wrote

Realizing that my own family's house interiors basically sucks and it's messy


4a4a OP t1_jeg4upb wrote

I can identify. I lived in Edmonton when I was young, and the snow would pile up pretty deep each winter, which I assumed was totally normal. That's why once I learned it wasn't normal, I moved to Arizona!


AZNM1912 t1_jeg5fim wrote

Noise, never realized quiet until I moved out of the city.


notjewel t1_jeg68gf wrote

Having a clean, tidy house with one TV in the living room that’s off during the day, and healthy home cooked meals for dinner.

I did home health for 3 years and let me tell ya, that is NOT the norm. So many people essentially nest in their own filth and discarded fast food trash with huge TVs of shouting Jerry Springer whatever on at full volume with half naked unclean children running around.